Angry cyclist has been damaging the same cars for 3 years!

Near Toulouse, a cyclist is consistently damaging cars that he believes are poorly parked and obstructing the cycle path.


  • In Cugnaux, near Toulouse, an irate cyclist has been targeting cars parked close to a cycle path for the past three years.

  • Clément, a restaurant owner, and his employee Stéphanie, have been repeatedly victimized by acts of vandalism on their vehicles.

  • Local authorities are encouraging the victims to file complaints to identify the perpetrator and put an end to the vandalism.

In the municipality of Cugnaux, next to Toulouse, an angry cyclist has become a nightmare for some residents who park near a cycle path.

Cyclist Upset by Parking Encroachment on Cycle Path

Clément is the owner of a restaurant on Charles-de-Gaulle Avenue in Cugnaux. Stéphanie, one of his employees, along with Clément, shared with our colleagues at the damage they have suffered over the past three years since a cyclist visited their restaurant to complain about certain vehicles’ parking practices.

About three years ago, Stéphanie recounted that a man on a bicycle approached them at the restaurant. He claimed that some vehicles parked along the street overlapped slightly onto the cycle path. Clément believes that there is ample space for bicycles to pass without any issues, and that no one else is disturbed by the parking.

Photo credit: Actu Toulouse / Stéphanie According to the cyclist, cars are occupying too much space on the cycle path.

It is important to note that any encroachment by a vehicle, whether partial or total, on a cycle path is prohibited according to traffic laws. This infraction can result in a fine of 135 euros and potential impoundment of the vehicle.

Significant Damage to Vehicles Parked on the Avenue

Recently, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Stéphanie discovered that her windshield had been shattered. She suspects that a large rock was used to inflict such a damage. Stéphanie explained that this is not the first time such an incident has occurred when she leaves work. With wiper blades torn off, a broken mirror, scratched bodywork, and flat tires, the list of vandalism against Stéphanie’s car is quite extensive. The restaurant employee noted that, regularly, the suspect cyclist applies key scratches on cars. Moreover, a neighbor reportedly witnessed him doing it.

According to the Cugnaux town hall, the suspect risks a fifth-class misdemeanor or a fine of 1,500 euros. Allegedly, Clément has sustained the most damage to his vehicle, claiming that this situation has cost him 10,000 euros in repairs overall. Recently, he paid 3,800 euros to repair his car’s bodywork. Just a week later, new scratches had already appeared. The restaurant manager has ultimately decided to file a complaint with the local Cugnaux police. Additionally, the local gendarmerie is also encouraging other victims to file complaints. This should aid in identifying the suspect and putting an end to this vandalism affecting many vehicles.

Near Toulouse, a cyclist keeps damaging cars that he considers to be badly parked and blocking the cycle path.


  • In Cugnaux, near Toulouse, an angry cyclist has been targeting cars parked near a cycle path for three years.
  • Clément, a restaurant owner, and his employee Stéphanie, have suffered repeated acts of vandalism to their vehicles.
  • Local authorities are encouraging victims to file a complaint to identify the suspect and put an end to the damage.

In the municipality of Cugnaux next to Toulouse, an angry cyclist has become the nightmare of some residents who park near a cycle path.

Cyclist Angered by Story of Encroachment on Cycle Path

Clément is the owner of a restaurant on Charles-de-Gaulle Avenue in Cugnaux. Stéphanie, one of his employees, has described ongoing vandalism problems they’ve faced in three years since a cyclist visited their restaurant to complain about the parking of several vehicles.

Approximately three years ago, Stéphanie remembered that a man on a bicycle came to complain at the restaurant. According to him, some vehicles parked along the street would exceed a little on the cycle path. Clément believes that, despite the parking of these cars, there is plenty of room for cyclists to pass, and no one else has been bothered.

A car near a cycle path

Photo credit: Actu Toulouse / Stéphanie According to the cyclist, cars are taking up too much space on the cycle path.

It should be noted, however, that the encroachment of a vehicle, partial or total, on a cycle path is forbidden according to Traffic Laws. This infraction can cost 135 euros in fines and lead to the potential impoundment of the vehicle.

Colossal Damage to Vehicles Parked on the Avenue

Recently, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Stéphanie discovered that her windshield was broken. She suspects a large rock was used to create such a impact. Stéphanie explains that, This is not the first time an incident of this type has occurred when leaving work. Windshield wipers torn off, mirrors broken, body scratched, tires deflated—the list of acts of vandalism against Stéphanie’s car is long.

Stéphanie points out that the cyclist suspect regularly vandalizes vehicles by putting key scratches on cars. A neighbor even reportedly witnessed these actions.

According to the Cugnaux town hall, the suspect faces a fifth class fine or a fine of 1,500 euros. Clément reports that he is the victim who suffered the most damage to his vehicle, claiming that this story cost him a staggering 10,000 euros in repairs overall. Recently, he paid 3,800 euros to redo its bodywork—a week later, new scratches appeared again. As a result, the restaurant manager decided to file a complaint with the Cugnaux brigade.

Moreover, the local gendarmerie encourages other victims to file a complaint too. This action will undoubtedly help identify the suspect and put an end to this vandalism plaguing many vehicles.

Understanding the Impact of Vandalism on the Community

The ongoing vandalism situation has broader implications for the local community in Cugnaux. Not only are victims facing monetary loss from repairs, but the cycle of fear and frustration is also resulting in a sense of unease among residents. Cyclists are often viewed as advocates for safer roads, but this extreme reaction from one individual undermines the goodwill associated with cycling.

Local Authorities Respond

The local authorities are increasingly concerned about the escalating situation. After receiving multiple complaints, the Cugnaux town hall has stated that they are working alongside law enforcement agencies to address the cycle path issues while ensuring that proper parking regulations are enforced. This dual approach aims to protect the rights of cyclists while respecting vehicle owners.

How Residents Can Protect Themselves

  • Documentation: Keep thorough records of any vandalism incidents, including photographs and police reports.
  • Security Measures: Consider investing in car alarms or surveillance cameras to deter potential vandalism.
  • Community Awareness: Engage with neighbors to form a vigilance group where residents can report suspicious behavior.
  • Local Workshops: Attend workshops hosted by local authorities discussing safety measures for parking and bicycle laws.


The troubling case of the vandalizing cyclist in Cugnaux sheds light on the complex relationship between motorists and cyclists concerning shared spaces. By fostering communication and understanding, communities can work towards a harmonious coexistence that promotes safety for both cyclists and car owners.



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