Angri Basketball enters the city’s schools – AGROTODAY.IT

Angri Pallacanestro: Slam Dunking Into Schools!

Well, sport fans and curious minds alike, brace yourselves! There’s a new ball game in town, and it’s just dribbled its way right into the classrooms of Angri. Yes, you heard it correctly. The iconic grey-red colors of Angri Pallacanestro are fluttering through the hallowed halls of education! Who needs algebra when you can learn about three-pointers and fast breaks? It’s not just your average PE lesson; it’s a full-blown passion project led by the legendary president, Alfonso Campitiello.

This morning marked the spectacular kick-off at the “Galvani-Opromolla” school, a name that, let’s be honest, sounds more like a spell from Harry Potter than a place of learning—but we digress. Over the next few weeks, students from both primary and secondary classes will be treated to visits from delegations of players from the Interregional and women’s B teams. Imagine that; you’re in arithmetic class and suddenly a basketball hero pops in. Talk about a distraction!

Let’s not forget the backbone behind this glorious initiative—the head teachers! A generous round of applause for Anna Scimone, Patrizia Del Barone, Brunella Cataldo, and Mariaconcetta Buongiovanni—who must have said ‘yes’ quicker than a kid on a sugar high after a school bake sale. Their collaboration with Angri Pallacanestro is like pairing peanut butter with jelly; it just works! And of course, let’s not overlook the students—thousands of them! Who will not only be learning to dribble but also probably dribbling from excitement.

Quotes That Dunk Deep

Alfonso Campitiello, in a moment of pure inspiration that can only be rivalled by Shakespearean soliloquies, stated, “Playing sports is beautiful and must be a cornerstone of the lives of all children.” Well, thank you, President Campitiello, for that little nugget of wisdom! Yet, while we’re busy dreaming of layups, let’s remember he’s also pushing the idea that studying is crucial too. Smart and sporty? #Goals!

And here’s the kicker: Campitiello emphasizes unity and breaking down barriers through sports. If only solving school yard politics was as easy as shooting hoops! He’s promised to bring in the champions, and we can only imagine how these young minds will be starry-eyed, gazing up at heroes who aren’t just celebrities but symbols of hard work and teamwork.

A Call to Action

So what’s the takeaway, folks? Playing sports isn’t just a game; it’s a life lesson. Whether you’re bouncing a ball or balancing equations, there’s something to learn. Let’s gather around the court, face challenges, and maybe just maybe, hoist that championship trophy. Or perhaps in this case, a golden diploma for participation!

In Conclusion

Angri Pallacanestro is not just dribbling into schools; it’s laying down a slam dunk of a social initiative! The synergy between education and sports makes for a brighter future, one where children aren’t just scoring points on the court but scoring in life through camaraderie, discipline, and laughter. Now get ready, Angri—because it looks like the path to success is paved with hoop dreams and high-fives!

Until next time, keep your love for the game strong (and your math homework too)!

Angri Pallacanestro enters the city’s schools. The interesting project of the company of president Alfonso Campitiello began this morning, at the “Galvani-Opromolla”. In the next few weeks there will be meetings with the primary and secondary classes of Angri. Delegations of players from both the Interregional and women’s B teams will participate together with the coaches.

An idea that wants to unite the historic grey-red club even more with its roots. Thanks for their collaboration are Anna Scimone, head teacher of the “Galvani-Opromolla”, Patrizia Del Barone, head teacher of the “III Circolo”, Brunella Cataldo, head teacher of the “ICDE Smaldone”, and Mariaconcetta Buongiovanni, head teacher of the “I Circolo Didattico Sant’Alfonso Maria Fusco”, who immediately welcomed the proposal from Angri Pallacanestro. A round of applause also to the teachers and above all to the thousands of students who will participate in these beautiful mornings of sport together with the Condors.

“Playing sports is beautiful and must be a cornerstone of the lives of all children – stated President Alfonso Campitiello to the students present – Studying is very important, but equally so is practicing a beautiful and social sport such as basketball. We have both a men’s and women’s team, precisely because we believe that we can unite by breaking down all types of barriers. We are becoming an important reality for sport. You will see our champions with us and I hope you can take example from them.”


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