Angers. Dominique Besnehard pays tribute to the staff of the Saint-Nicolas nursing home

Dominique Besnehard’s mother died at the age of 98 at the Saint-Nicolas nursing home in Angers. The film producer announced it on his Facebook page, and paid tribute to the dedication of hospital staff.

Dominique Besnéhard.

Dominique Besnéhard. | CO

  • Dominique Besnéhard. | CO

In a message posted on on the Facebook pagefilm producer and artistic agent Dominique Besnehard announced on April 21 the death of his mother who lived at the Saint-Nicolas nursing home in Angers: My generous single and protective mother Albertine, who would have been 99 on July 15, has just left us in the middle of the followingnoon in her nursing home in Angers.

He took the opportunity to slip a message for the caregivers who allowed his motherto live a very dignified end of life. He writes that she has been loved, protected by the absolutely dedicated and unparalleled attention of the hospital staff of Saint-Nicolas Hospital.

Originally from Normandy, Albertine Besnehard was the mother of a daughter and twins, Dominique and her brother Daniel, playwright and writer, well known in Maine-et-Loire since he was the general secretary of the New Theater of Angers and the deputy director of the Quay. Mrs. Besnehard will rest in the cemetery of Vire (Calvados) with her husband.

Angers. Dominique Besnehard pays tribute to the staff of the Saint-Nicolas nursing home



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