The pickup hits the man head-on.
Anger – Terrible scenes took place on the evening of Maundy Thursday (April 14) on the A8 (Munich – Salzburg) in dense Easter traffic near Anger.
Update, 6:59 p.m. – BRK press release
The message in full:
That Reichenhall Red Cross and the crew of Salzburg emergency doctor helicopter “Christophorus 6” were required on Maundy Thursday shortly following 6.30 p.m. on the A8, where they entered the Loithalbrücke in the direction of Salzburg 58-year-old Croatian hit by a pickup truck and was badly injured.
On the Loithal Bridge, a Citroen occupied by three Croatians drove south in heavy traffic in the left lane, with the driver drove into the VW of a 64-year-old Austrian womanwho had to slow down in front of him. The accident caused only some body damage; A 58-year-old Croatian, who was sitting in the right rear of the Citroen, got out and stepped into the right-hand lane without paying attention to the traffic behind, which is why he hit by a 62-year-old Austrian with his Ford pickup who swerved from the left lane to the right lane to avoid colliding with the stationary Citroen in front of him.
The pickup collided with both the open rear passenger door of the Citroen and the Croatian who had got out thrown on the hood and windshield was left on the roadway with serious injuries. Numerous on-site witnesses immediately provided first aid and made an emergency call to the Traunstein control center. The land rescue service of the Reichenhall Red Cross and the crew of the Salzburg emergency doctor helicopter “Christophorus 6” treated the Croatian and then flew him to the Salzburg Accident Hospital.
Die Public prosecutor’s office in Traunstein ordered an expert to reconstruct the exact course of the accident. According to the police, none of those involved in the accident showed signs of failure in the form of alcohol or intoxicants. Due to the complex recording of the accident, traffic in the south was backed up in places to the Overseas junction return. The side streets of the Autobahn were also severely overloaded at times.
Due to the current situation, the Traffic Police Inspectorate Traunstein road users not to simply leave their vehicles in a traffic jam, but to remain seated at all times, as dangerous situations can arise despite stationary traffic. Furthermore, the police asks that you always preventively use one in traffic jams or slow-moving traffic to create a rescue laneso that the emergency services can get through quickly in an emergency.
Press release BRK district association Berchtesgadener Land
Update, 10:15 a.m. – Police press release
The police press release in full:
On Maundy Thursday (April 14) at 6.35 p.m. there was a serious traffic accident on the A8 in the direction of Salzburg, between the Neukirchen and Anger junctions. At the time of the accident, there was heavy travel traffic heading south. On the Loithalbrücke, a Croatian Citroen, occupied by three Croatians, drove into the left lane. A 64-year-old Austrian woman drove in front of this car in her VW.
When she had to brake due to traffic, the driver of the Croatian Citroen recognized this too late and hit the Salzburger from behind. This rear-end collision only resulted in slight to medium body damage. An occupant of the Citroen, a 58-year-old Croatian, who was sitting in the rear right of the vehicle, then suddenly left the car and stepped into the right-hand lane without paying attention to the traffic behind. Tragically, he was hit by a Ford pick-up that swerved from the left lane to the right to avoid colliding with the stationary Citroen in front of him.
The Ford pick-up with Austrian registration, driven by a 62-year-old Austrian, collided with the open rear passenger door of the Citroen and with the Croatian who had got out. The 58-year-old was thrown onto the hood and windshield of the pickup and then came to rest on the road with serious injuries. Numerous witnesses on site provided first aid.
Due to the severity of the injuries, which cannot yet be estimated, the injured person was flown to a special clinic in Salzburg by rescue helicopter. The public prosecutor’s office in Traunstein appointed an expert on the location of the accident to reconstruct the exact course of the accident. None of those involved in the accident showed signs of failure in the form of alcohol or intoxicants.
Due to the complex recording of the accident, traffic in the south was backed up in places up to the Übersee junction. The side streets of the autobahn were also heavily congested at times. Due to the tragic traffic accident, the traffic police in Traunstein asks road users not to simply leave their vehicles in traffic jams, but to remain seated in the vehicle, as dangerous situations can arise despite stationary traffic. Furthermore, the traffic police in Traunstein points out that a rescue lane should be formed in the event of traffic jams or slow-moving traffic, especially during the peak travel season.
Press release traffic police Traunstein
The first message:
At around 6:35 p.m., the serious accident occurred between the Neukirchen and Anger junctions (Berchtesgadener Land district). According to the police, a Citroen with Croatian registration was driving on the Loithalbrücke in the left lane in the direction of Salzburg. The driver of the car realized too late that a VW with Austrian registration driving in front had to brake hard due to the high volume of traffic. That’s why the Citroen drove into the VW.
Actually a “harmless” accident with body damage – if a passenger sitting in the back of the Citroen hadn’t suddenly jumped out of the vehicle on the right-hand side. The 58-year-old Croat entered the right lane of the motorway – without paying attention to the traffic. The consequences were devastating: The man was hit by a Ford pick-up that had just changed lanes to avoid coming into contact with the accident that had just happened.
The Croatian was thrown onto the bonnet and once morest the windshield of the pick-up and then remained on the freeway with serious injuries. Numerous eyewitnesses immediately provided first aid. “Due to the severity of the injuries, which cannot yet be estimated, the injured person was flown to a special clinic in Salzburg by rescue helicopter,” said the traffic police in Traunstein. After the accident, the A8 had to be closed. As a result, there was a massive traffic jam.
*More information to follow*