Anger of farmers in France: Gabriel Attal announces new measures and calls for ‘a French agricultural exception’

More than a week following the first blockade of roads in Occitanie, which launched the movement on January 26, farmers continue to disrupt traffic almost everywhere in France, following sometimes spending the night in their tractor.

Several strategic blockades were organized around Paris, but also on the A7, the A9, the A10, the A64…

Leaving Agen under the banner of Rural Coordination, around 200 tractors are heading in particular towards the Rungis market, the food hub of Ile-de-France, closely monitored by the gendarmes.

It’s very irritating to be stuck 300 kilometers from Paris“, Yannick Mansord, a duck breeder in Guerin, told AFP before the convoy left for Vierzon. “We have to stay nice, so as not to come across as ugly peasants.“, he added.

The majority union in the sector, the FNSEA, reiterated its discomfort with this operation, its president Arnaud Rousseau castigating on Europe 1 the “union competitors who want to go to Rungis to make a coup“.



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