Yutaka Seshita of the comedy duo “Tenjiro” once had an affair with two women, “Bunshun Online” delivered on April 13 reported. Since Seshita is a “former Yankee”, it seems that Takushi Tanaka’s saying, “Ungirls”, who professes to hate Yankees, is drawing attention.
When I reported on Seshita’s affair in “Weekly Bunshun” before, it was said that there were a series of accusations from women who read the article that they were also damaged. Some of them are pregnant, have an abortion, or have been violent.
According to “Bunshun Online”, when she told her that she was pregnant, Seshita said, “Fall down. I don’t have the money to raise. It’s bad for you to have an affair when you know I have a family.”
In addition, another woman was violent during sexual intercourse with Seshita. The site of “Bunshun Online” also has a picture of a painful woman with a bruise on her back.
For this report, from the internet
《After all, ex-Yang is no matter how far he goes, and following seeing Seshita’s news, I thought once more》
《Seshita is a former Yang, and now I feel like I was making a good character》
《A person from Oriental Radio and a person from EXIT … I have an image of an entertainer who sells former Yang or Chara.》
《Since I was a former Yan Seshita, I guess I was playing around. It’s a shame because I had a lot of future as a guts entertainer … >>
《Ex-Yang, but it ’s too painful to do it with a good daddy-like character》
Response comments such as are received.
Anga Tanaka “I hate Yankees and fortune-tellers”
“In June 2020,” Shinagawa Shoji “Hiroshi Shinagawa’s YouTube channel featured Katsumi Kawahara, his companion. He talked regarding Seshita during the Yankee era. It seems that he was the chief. Anyway, Seshita who wants to have a fight was glaring at other guests at the family restaurant, and when he met his eyes, he was so rough that he would have a fight. However, Kawahara is a human being with a strong humanity in the video. He also said. “(Entertainment writer)
In response to this turmoil, Seshita apologized on his Twitter account, “This time, I sincerely apologize to the women who have been hurt by my irresponsible behavior.” She also announced that she would suspend her entertainment activities for the foreseeable future.
“It was the comedy duo” Ungirls “Tanaka who raised the stock due to the exposure of Seshita’s evil deeds. When he appeared on” Shabekuri 007 “(NTV) broadcast on March 28, he was with Yankee. Tanaka has repeatedly confessed that he dislikes fortune-tellers, and criticized “Tokyo Revengers” for disliking Yankee cartoons in “Downtown DX” (NTV) broadcasted in October last year. It seems that when the number of yankeys increased due to “Badness BLUES” and “B-Bop High School” in the old days, it was rooted in the fact that money was cut off. “
Seshita was regarding to break in Tokyo. There is a rumor that Yoshimoto Kogyo will get rid of the fire, but what are your thoughts on future activities?
[I want to read it together]