Androulakis: “We Aim to Establish PASOK as the Premier Opposition to a Letdown Government

Nikos Androulakis, answering a question from APE-MBE, at the press conference, in the context of the 88th TIF, he emphasized the following: “PASOK is now the second party in all opinion polls” and “his next goal is to become first, against a government that a year ago received a fresh popular mandate and has failed miserably.”

“It is necessary for the national strategic, progressive program that I proposed to be the next government program with the help of the people. I am very optimistic”, noted the president and re-candidate for president of PASOK-KINAL while standing in favor of the political autonomy of PASOK-KINAL saying that it is the only way to re-enter the political scene as a protagonist and acquire the characteristics of a strong government.

“How can the great Center Left be made? In the background? With top deals? With methods? With old protagonists who, when they lost the ministerial chair of PASOK, looked for it in other parties?” he wondered.

Regarding the scenarios of joint SYRIZA-PASOK ballots, Mr. Androulakis emphasized that such a thing would result in Mr. Mitsotakis remaining prime minister and noted that these are being peddled by those who want to save themselves.

He called the possibility of a co-government between ND and PASOK “the shortest anecdote”.

In response to a question about whether there is an issue with the candidacy of Haris Doukas, he said that “we will go to the internal party elections united and inclusive”.

#Androulakis #Aim #PASOK #party #government #failed #miserably

What ‌strategies is Nikos Androulakis proposing to rebuild PASOK-KINAL’s‍ organizational structure and regain voter trust?

Nikos Androulakis: PASOK’s Rise to Prominence and the Quest for a National ⁢Strategic Program

In a recent press ⁤conference at‍ the 88th Thessaloniki⁣ International Fair (TIF), Nikos Androulakis, the president and re-candidate for president of PASOK-KINAL, responded to a question from ‍APE-MBE, ​highlighting the party’s current standing and future goals. Androulakis emphasized ‍that ⁣PASOK is ⁣now the second party in all‍ opinion polls, and his next objective is ⁤to surpass the​ current⁤ government, which has failed to ⁣deliver on its promises ​despite receiving ⁢a fresh popular mandate just‍ a year ago.

The leader of PASOK-KINAL expressed his‍ optimism ​about the party’s prospects, stressing‍ the need‌ for a national strategic, progressive program that would form the⁢ basis of the next ​government program. This program, he believes, can⁣ only be achieved ⁤with the help of ‌the people. Androulakis reiterated‍ his commitment to the political autonomy of PASOK-KINAL, which he sees as the only way ⁣for⁢ the ‌party to re-emerge as ​a major player in⁢ Greek politics and eventually form a strong government.

Androulakis also addressed the issue of rebuilding the⁣ Center Left in Greece, posing the question of how this can be achieved. He dismissed the idea⁤ of doing so through backroom deals, old methods,‍ and former protagonists‍ who have switched sides after losing their ministerial positions in PASOK. Instead, he advocated for a​ fresh approach, ‌driven by ⁢a new​ generation of leaders ‍and a progressive vision for ⁤the country.

The Rise of ‍PASOK-KINAL

In recent ⁢months, ​PASOK-KINAL‍ has been⁤ gaining ‌momentum, with Androulakis’ leadership playing a ⁢significant role ‍in the party’s resurgence. The latest opinion polls suggest ⁢that PASOK-KINAL has consolidated its position as the second‌ party in Greece, ⁣with a growing electorate and increased support among‌ young voters.

Androulakis’ focus on a national strategic program⁢ is seen as a key factor in the party’s rising popularity. His commitment to a progressive agenda, combined with his emphasis on political autonomy and ⁤his rejection ⁢of old-style politics, has resonated with many⁣ Greeks who⁣ are looking for a fresh and credible alternative to⁤ the current government.

The Challenge Ahead

While Androulakis’ optimism is understandable, the road ahead for PASOK-KINAL is ⁤not without its challenges. The party still⁢ faces significant ⁢obstacles, including the⁣ need to rebuild its organizational structure, regain the trust of the electorate, and differentiate itself from other center-left parties in Greece.

Moreover, the current government, despite its struggles, still maintains a significant advantage in ​terms⁣ of ⁤resources and institutional power. ⁤Androulakis will need to mobilize a broad⁣ coalition of supporters and build alliances with other progressive forces in Greece if he is to succeed in his goal of becoming‍ the first party in the polls.


Nikos Androulakis’ statements at the 88th TIF press conference have sent a clear message to the Greek political‌ establishment: PASOK-KINAL is on the rise, and its leader is ​committed to a national strategic program that will put the people at the heart of government. While the challenges ahead are significant, ​Androulakis’ vision and leadership have the potential ⁤to inspire a new⁢ generation of Greeks‍ and ⁤shape the country’s political landscape for years to come.

Keywords: Nikos Androulakis, ​PASOK-KINAL, 88th Thessaloniki⁤ International Fair, Greek politics, center-left party, national⁢ strategic program, progressive agenda, ⁣political autonomy.

– What are the key components of Nikos Androulakis’ national strategic program for PASOK?

Nikos Androulakis: PASOK’s Rise to Prominence and the Quest for a National Strategic Program

In a recent press conference at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), Nikos Androulakis, the president and re-candidate for president of PASOK-KINAL, outlined his vision for the party’s future and its path to regaining prominence in Greek politics. Androulakis emphasized that PASOK is now the second party in all opinion polls, and his next objective is to surpass the current government, which has failed to deliver on its promises despite receiving a fresh popular mandate just a year ago.

Rebuilding PASOK-KINAL: A National Strategic Program

Androulakis expressed his optimism about the party’s prospects, stressing the need for a national strategic, progressive program that would form the basis of the next government program. This program, he believes, can only be achieved with the help of the people. Androulakis reiterated his commitment to the political autonomy of PASOK-KINAL, which he sees as the only way for the party to re-emerge as a major player in Greek politics and eventually form a strong government.


In recent months, PASOK-KINAL has been gaining momentum, with Androulakis’ leadership playing a significant role in the party’s resurgence. The latest opinion polls suggest that PASOK-KINAL has consolidated its position as the second party in Greece, with a growing electorate and increased support among young voters.

Androulakis’ Strategies: A Fresh Approach

Androulakis’ focus on a national strategic program is seen as a key factor in the party’s rising popularity. His commitment to a progressive agenda, combined with his emphasis on political autonomy and his rejection of old-style politics, has resonated with many Greeks who are looking for a fresh and credible alternative to the current government.

The Challenge Ahead

While Androulakis’ optimism is understandable, the road ahead for PASOK-KINAL is not without its challenges. The party still faces significant obstacles, including the need to rebuild its organizational structure, regain the trust of the electorate, and differentiate itself from other center-left parties



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