Androulakis: “The lack of water and the climate crisis are affecting the country from one end to the other” – 2024-08-05 20:41:57

“Water scarcity and the climate crisis are affecting the country from one end to the other. Therefore, the management of water resources is a very critical issue” stressed the president of PASOK-Movement of Change, Nikos Androulakis in his statements from the dam in Anavalos, from where he started his tour of the Argolis today.

Mr. Androulakis pointed out that for the said irrigation project in the period 2010-2014, studies with a total budget of more than 90 million euros were approved and implemented, however the projects remain unfinished.

“And in this case we are faced with yet another bad government plan. We have a duty in this new era when water management and energy are very critical issues for the resilience of domestic production, but also for the daily life of millions of Greek citizens, to have a comprehensive plan so that our country is both competitive and resilient to climate crisis and major global challenges” he concluded.

Asked about the wiretapping scandal, Mr. Androulakis noted:

“We live in a period where, at the altar of cover-up, there is a systematic degradation of the separation of powers and the rule of law. Because quite simply, Mr. Mitsotakis is afraid. He is afraid of the truth, he is afraid of the light and he wants to impose the darkness. That’s why I will continue my fight. It’s not a personal matter. It is a matter of democracy.

A few days ago, fifty years of Postcolonialism were completed. We have a duty to respect the struggles of thousands of people for democracy and for future generations, that our country be a normal European country, that respects human rights and that no one, no matter how powerful, can set up a parastate, but everyone they are all equal before justice.

Therefore, I am continuing my fight at the European Court of Human Rights so that the EYP implements the decision of the country’s highest court, but also for the decision of the Supreme Court.”

Finally, when asked to comment on the internal party procedures in PASOK-Movement for Change, Mr. Androulakis said:

“I continue my fight, I am very optimistic. I believe that PASOK has entered a new course. It is an autonomous pole. It’s not the party where all your colleagues asked the question “who are you going with?” With New Democracy or SYRIZA?” Now, we can fight to become even stronger. We have only taken very serious steps forward. I’m fighting so that we don’t take a step back. And I believe that with the reason of progress, responsibility, consistency that touches all modern problems – the welfare state, public health, public education, the huge issues of the cost of living, housing, punctuality – PASOK can become a very important protagonist again and be the pillar of the victory of the democratic progressive faction against the New Democracy in the next national elections”.

#Androulakis #lack #water #climate #crisis #affecting #country



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