Andropause: male menopause? – Featured

2023-04-27 12:42:15

27 avril 2023

Erectile disorders, loss of energy, depression, weight gain… With age, men can also suffer from hormonal changes known as andropause. From there to draw the parallel with menopause…

Andropause does exist. It refers to the decline in testosterone in men related to aging. But the very term “andropause” seems inappropriate. Doctors prefer to speak of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS). Andropause basically doesn’t have much to do with menopause, apart from a few symptoms.

All men experience a gradual decline in their testosterone levels from the age of 30-35. But only 6% of men aged 30 to 80 are affected by andropause where menopause affects all women, and causes hormonal upheaval. Another difference is that if women “lose” their reproductive capacity then men will still be able to have children.

Overweight, alcohol, inactivity…

Certain lifestyle choices can accelerate testosterone decline. Being overweight is one of the main risk factors. Just like excessive alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle or poor quality of sleep. So you know what you have to do to ward off the risk of andropause.

What support

If you encounter daily problems – especially sexually – do not hesitate to consult a specialist, preferably a urologist-andrologist. If the blood tests confirm the diagnosis of andropause, appropriate treatments can be put in place: hormone replacement treatments for testosterone have been proven! The routes of administration are multiple: gels, implants, tablets, patches or injections.

#Andropause #male #menopause #Featured

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