Android apps on Windows 11 become even more convenient

2023-06-19 17:33:37

The latest Windows Subsystem for Android update allows users to share files between Windows 11 and Android apps running on Microsoft’s OS. A big novelty deployed through the June update which will make life easier for users of Android applications on Windows.

Windows and Android get along a little better with the June update // Source: Microsoft

Ardently requested by many users, file sharing between Windows 11 and Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) is now a reality.

Recall that the Windows subsystem for Android allows you to run Android applications available on the Amazon Appstore.

Thanks to the June update (2305.40000.4.0), deployed for the time being among members of the Insider program, Microsoft indeed offers an option allowing files and documents to be shared between the main installation of the OS and the WSA. This novelty arrives at the same time as bug fixes dedicated to the subsystem and alongside the usual Android security updates, notes XDA Developers.

As the specialized site explains, this new feature will allow the WSA to share user files (documents, images, videos, etc.) which should facilitate, for example, video editing or photo editing with Android applications on Windows. Note, however, that with this new function, folder sharing is enabled by default, but it is still possible to disable it if necessary.

File sharing with the WSA, how does it work?

In detail, we learn that the Windows Subsystem for Android will see your Windows files as if they were contained on an SD card. And on the security side, Android applications wishing to access it in read or write mode must first ask you for permission through a dialog window. You will also be free to withdraw this permission later.

It will also be recalled that the May update of the WSA had deployed a system allowing Android applications to analyze content to detect possible threats. The file sharing experience should therefore, logically, take advantage of these measures to be relatively safe and respectful of your private data.

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It should also be noted that the WSA will remain limited in its access. We learn in particular that he will not be able to see the external devices and that he will also have no right to look at the Windows system files or on my files of other users.

In the same vein, sharing .exe files will be impossible and only files that the subsystem saves in “/sdcard/Windows”, will be accessible to Windows. When activating sharing, the WSA will finally perform indexing which will imply a momentary slowdown in performance. A necessary evil for the start of this new function.

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