Andro could permanently lose taste and smell after hitting the head with a septum

An followingnoon of tacos in a Colonia Roma restaurant it turned into a tragedy. The young man Andro Manuel Nava received from a man, allegedly in street situationand hit on the head with a brick. The consequence: it might permanent loss of taste and smell

On Monday, the Ministry of Citizen Security reported on the arrest of the alleged aggressor, who was found to have several doses of cocaine.

Imagen Television released a photo of Andro and his father shortly before the attack.

Andro might lose his taste and smell permanently

Manuel Nava, Andro’s father, said in an interview for Aristegui Newss that your child might lose his or her taste and smell permanently.

He explained that on the day of the events they ate tacos at the establishment called “Taquearte” and that they were regarding to retire.

Suddenly this guy comes out of thereAndro has his back turned and we are talking at the table and sI only hear the knockit was so fast that I thought it was an assault.”

“I backed away, I took a tube to defend myself but the guy ran and Andro was lying on the table, local staff called an ambulance.”

He mentioned that upon arrival at the hospital and following half an hour they discharged him. However, on the way they gave him something to eat and he might not perceive flavors or smell when he put antibacterial gel on his hands.

“We arrived at the hospital, they discharged him following half an hour, but on the way he says he feels bad and he realizes why we gave him something to eat and he said he didn’t know anything and he also used alcohol on his hands and neither might smell it.”

“His intention was to kill him”

Regarding the investigations, he commented that on Monday he went to the Public Ministry to testify and that it is known regarding the aggressor that “apparently he is a guy who lives on the street and suffers from his faculties, but rather he seems aggressive to me, the ministerial police have more reportedly, a woman who lives around the corner from the restaurant he broke his leg, he also attacked a cyclist.”

For Manuel Nava, the aggression was not an act of a person who suffers from his faculties: “his intention was to kill him.”

“He told the cops he did it because he was high, he got high five days in a row or I don’t know how long, but he did it with no regrets or anything.”

Taquería “Taquearte” does not want to answer for facts

Meanwhile, Irene Levy, a columnist for THE UNIVERSAL that has followed up on the case, denounced on social networks that the representative of the establishment “Taquearte” has avoided declaring and responding for medical expenses.

In that sense, Manuel Nava said that indeed, they offered him insurance, but that in the end they have not respondedin addition to the fact that the refusal slows down the investigation.

“At first they gave me insurance, but they have not answered me and they have not sought us out to answer for the expenses and the legal representative does not want to attend. In addition to the responsibility they have, they have to make the statement of what happened as witnesses so that the folder is fully integrated”.

Read also: Doubts regarding the Debanhi case




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