Andrea Orlando “frozen” and Schlein’s idea to hide Renzi –

Look Brunello

In the torrid Ligurian summer, a new political figure appears: the “frozen” candidate. An original solution, which has nothing to do with seasonal temperatures, but rather with the persistence of difficulties in the coalition. In any case, it is the sad fate of Andrea Orlando, the leader of the left who has been waiting for more than a month for the official announcement of his entry into the field, the candidacy of the broad field to succeed Giovanni Toti. A green light that has been considered practically a given for weeks, but which has not arrived from Rome. So the days pass and the “frozen” is starting to lose patience: “I said it from day one, if there is someone better than me, I will immediately step back”. The issue is entirely political, from today the Nazareno will resume contact with the “almost friends” of the M5S. From Campo Marzio in fact it is noted that in Emilia Romagna and Umbria the candidates Michele De Pascale and Stefania Proietti belong to the same family. That of Elly Schlein.

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With Liguria, they would rise to three for as many regions that will go to the polls in the fall. Which would mean leaving Cinque Stelle and Avs completely empty-handed. A situation that Giuseppe Conte finds unsustainable, it’s fine to recognize the leadership of the PD but this is too much, we can’t be the spare wheel, who will tell that pain in the ass Beppe Grillo? The one paying the consequences is Andrea Orlando, temporarily put in the freezer, a name that is more imposed than shared, «we still need to agree on an overall structure». In practice, the opening to candidates from the movement for the next electoral appointments, as well as for the subsidiaries. For the moment, the “frozen” candidate does not fear ambushes, no other names are being floated, his only real enemy is time. «If Rome doesn’t get a move on – explain the Ligurian Democrats – we risk getting into a quagmire, as well as losing all the advantage we had over the center-right. Orlando’s availability is not unlimited».

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What is certain is that the La Spezia native is not enthusiastic, too “starched”, his allies let it slip, certainly not the front man that would be needed for the pitched battle that awaits us. Doubts, which with Rome’s delays, risk strengthening, also because the former minister has remained away from Ligurian affairs for too many years. Then there is also the need to find a suitable position for Ferruccio Sansa, the challenger defeated by Toti in 2020. He has hinted at the possibility of returning to journalism, his supporters let it slip that in reality he is waiting for a proposal suited to his weight. Meanwhile, from the Capital, Elly Schlein’s sherpas would have a solution ready to submit to the coalition to resolve the Renzi problem: hide it. That is, create a single container, generically centrist, with exponents of Italia Viva, Azione and Più Europa. Without party symbols.

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A bit like the no-brand products on supermarket shelves. The two litigants who preferred to crash in the European elections, rather than appear on a common list, should now accept to merge into a grouping devised by others. A risky solution, which should also be valid in Liguria, but also in Umbria and Emilia Romagna: the fourth leg of the unnamed. In Genoa, Renzi is asked for a further gesture of “good will”: abandon the majority that supports the mayor Marco Bucci in the capital city, the minimum price demanded by the M5S and the Green Left Alliance, who remain skeptical about the possibility of including Italia Viva. The former prime minister must watch his back at home too: Luigi Marattin continues to reject the idea of ​​a broad field and would like to count himself in a congress. In the meantime, the priority would be to remove Andrea Orlando from the refrigerator.

#Andrea #Orlando #frozen #Schleins #idea #hide #Renzi #Tempo
2024-08-20 17:02:32



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