Andrea Mayer (State Secretary/BMKÖS): Clear commitment from the Federal Government to the continued existence of the RSO – mica

State Secretary Andrea Mayer: “The radio symphony orchestra is and will remain an irreplaceable part of the Austrian and international music scene.”

Vienna (OTS)“Today the federal government is sending an important signal for Austria’s art and culture”says Secretary of State for Arts and Culture Andrea Mayer on today’s Ministerial Council speech on the future financing of the ORF. “With our joint commitment to the continued existence of the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, we as the government are stating that the planned cuts in this orchestra of international appeal are off the table. From my point of view, the RSO should never have been up for discussion from the outset – it is therefore gratifying that this decision to preserve the orchestra has been made, even if the details still have to be worked out. Personally, I will continue to advocate for the RSO to be anchored in law so that these discussions will no longer be necessary in the future. The RSO is and will remain an irreplaceable part of the Austrian – and also the international – music scene.”


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