Andrea Guzmán Opens Up About Battling Cancer During ‘Pedro el Escamoso’ Reboot: A Journey of Fear and Resilience

The return of ‘Pedro, el escamoso’ to the screens of Canal Caracol and its incorporation into the Disney + catalog has excited millions of viewers nationally and internationally, who enjoyed the first season of this telenovela that premiered in 2001.

This has allowed the actors who stepped into the shoes of the most important characters in the production to attend numerous interviews where they have revealed information about their participation in one of the most-watched content of all time by Colombians.

Pedro el escamoso | Photo: Disney+

Andrea Guzmán discovered a serious health problem while filming ‘Pedro, el escamoso’

“I was filming Pedro el escamoso and had noticed a lump in my throat, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. One day while watching a scene I noticed that the lump had grown, and I decided to see a doctor. They performed a biopsy and told me that I had cancerous cells.”

According to what the woman mentioned during her conversation with the media, the situation arose when she was only 22 years old, which worried her a lot as she did not know how to properly react to the health problem she was facing.

Photo: Instagram @andreitaguz

Photo: Instagram @andreitaguz | Photo: Photo: Instagram @andreitaguz

The actress was afraid of losing her job on the telenovela

One of the fears that plagued Andrea Guzmán’s mind, who was in one of the best stages of her acting career, was losing her job or that the procedures she would have to undergo would limit her filming schedule.

“I remember feeling afraid to say something in the telenovela and be left without a job, so I almost secretly told the production to allow me a few days off from filming so I could undergo surgery.”

Andrea Guzmán

Andrea Guzmán | Photo: Instagram:@andreitaguz

Without the need for strong treatments like chemotherapy, Andrea managed to overcome this illness. However, she had to include in her routine the consumption of some medications to help combat the lack of thyroid and preserve her health.

“At first, it was hard. It changes your lifestyle, the first months you feel depressed, you get irritable, but then you start to adjust; they give you the exact amount of medicine you need.”



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