Andrea Chessa returns home after injury and congratulates Dino Pes

Andrea Chessa, known as Nappa II, has returned home after completing his rehabilitation after his injury and congratulates Dino Pes

It was April 30 when Andrea Chessa suffered a serious injury during the Protocol races in Monticiano. Three and a half months later, Nappa II returned home, and is fine. He spent a long time in hospital in Siena, then rehabilitation in Montevarchi, which he underwent with the determination of a great athlete. And last Wednesday, the eve of Ferragosto, he returned home, to his family who assisted and supported him in a decisive way.

He watched the Palio on TV, even though this year he probably could have had a seat at the canape.

Andrea, what comment do you have on this Palio?

“Dino was great, he rode very well and did everything he had to do. Congratulations to him, he was really good.”

Do you see yourself a little in him, in the jockeys that the Palio unfairly set aside too soon?

“A little bit, yes. But life goes on, in these cases you continue to work and give your best.”

How are you now?

“I’m fine, I came home last Wednesday. The plan was to continue the rehabilitation at the end of the month, I applied myself to the maximum and I managed to anticipate the recovery times”.

When will you return to your horses?

“I’ll rest for a few days, then I’ll slowly get back to work in the stable.”

And then?

“Next season I expect to be back at 100 percent. And I will be there.”

A return that everyone is waiting for with joy. Andrea Chessa has shown that he is, in addition to being a very good jockey, also a great man.



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