ANDE cleans the easement strip under 500 kV transmission lines

ANDE cleans the easement strip under 500 kV transmission lines

Asunción, IP Agency.- The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) is cleaning the strip under the 500 kV lines that feed the Villa Hayes substation, in order to avoid inconveniences that could affect the normal supply.

The president of the entity, Félix Sosa, recalled that in the month of March two fires occurred that affected the distribution cables and caused the line that comes from the Yacyretá Binational Entity to go out of service and, second, of the line coming from Itaipu.

The work is 75% complete and is expected to be completed by the first half of November.

The transmission lines of the country’s main hydroelectric plants arrive at the Villa Hayes substation. In the case of the Itaipu 500kV line, it feeds Asunción and the Metropolitan Area, so an outage affects a significant number of people.

“We want to complete the work before the peak consumption season begins,” said the head of ANDE during a helicopter tour carried out yesterday to verify the progress of the works.

#ANDE #cleans #easement #strip #transmission #lines
2024-09-27 04:17:13

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