2023-05-11 03:05:00
When the dialogue and the consensus were diluted, it is difficult to preserve hope in that Nation that so noble, heroic, altruistic and fully bequeathed to us by the parents.
When the laurels that ‘others’ knew how to achieve are old; when far from living crowned with glory by the legacy of freedom, magnanimity, exemplarity and natural resources received, we stingy by action or omission our personal effort and daily dedication, It is precisely there that we misplace our identity nationalism, giving rise to new structural chains of subjugation, inequality, poverty and indigence.
when we feel disappointed by these forty years of democracy, surviving injured and overwhelmed by excessive inflation, inhabiting a country with its defenseless currency… our lives are impregnated with embers and pain.
When national identity, suitability and transparency are not an active commitment, nor the common good a shared passion; without euphemisms we are trapped, recoiling indignantly by allowing the disconnection of rights and freedoms, enthusiasm and hope, vg., in those many young people who emigrate from Ezeiza.
When the dialogue and the consensus were diluted, it is difficult to preserve hope in that Nation that so noble, heroic, altruistic and fully bequeathed to us by its progenitors.
Martín Fierro and his legacy
The national essence and constitutional democratic wisdom, once once more summon us – without delay – to a new and peaceful national emancipation, through a fair and equitable incarnation of “see the noble Equality enthroned”
Punctually, Martín Fierro, independent gaucho protagonist, heroic and sacrificed according to the pen of José Hernández, virilely sings to us his fight for freedom once morest adversity and injustice then.
Undoubtedly, the Martín Fierro is considered the most faithful portrait of our national identity through its protagonist, who reflects our native Argentine roots like no other.
By the way, José María Rosa saw in the gaucho Martín Fierro a precise interpretation of Argentine history, while Leopoldo Lugones, in El payador, described Martín Fierro’s poem as “the national book of Argentines”. recognizing the gaucho his quality as a genuine representative of the country and emblem of the working Argentine.
Faced with so much current corruption and inequality, how much realism, clairvoyance, wisdom, equity and justice does Martín Fierro contain, in his verse or apothegm: “It is not strange that someone lacks what another has in excess”?
Conclusively, regenerate advancement, education, health, work culture and safety; recover redistributive growth, learning and eloquent gestures, sustained progress and dignified inclusions for freedom and general well-being; all in constant search of a fairer, more supportive, more livable, friendlier and less violent civil society; They make essential foundations to metaphorically reach that antonym of our painful current reality: “swear to live with glory”
Finally, if not, let us at least suspend the hypocrisy of singing the National Anthem, given that it not only implies honor men, celebrate victories or feats that permeate and forge consciences and shared destinies of hope; but it is also a creed of crowds that nourishes the soul of a people and makes them feel proud of their past as -according to its lyrics- angular foundation that illuminates, guides, encourages, propitiates and conditions a fortunate future.
Finally, this present of Argentine hardships spoiling the legacy of the fathers of the Nation, mocks the spirit and the letter of our wonderful national anthem.
* Expert in cooperativism from Coneau.
#swear #glory #live