Ancient mosaic found in flooded city

The found object is regarding 2 thousand years old.

Underwater archaeologists have found a mosaic in the flooded ruins of Bailly, a partially flooded Roman city on the coast of the Gulf of Naples in the modern commune of Bacoli (Italy).

This is reported by Heritage Daily.

Now this city is a popular resort. The ancient Roman elegiac poet Sextus Propertius wrote that in ancient times this place was a “whirlpool of luxury” and a “harbor of vice.”

The city was visited by many famous figures of Roman history, including Gnaeus Pompey the Great, Julius Caesar, Gaius Marius, Lucius Licinius Lucullus, Adrian and Septimius Severus.

The most significant remnants of the city are the various luxury villas of high status, the domed temple buildings and the Archaeological Park delle Terme di Baia. Some of the temples include the Temple of Diana, the Temple of Mercury, and the Temple of Venus, which has since sunk 3 meters below ground level.

The city is located on the Kuma Peninsula in the Phlegrean Fields, which is an active and variable volcanic region. Due to local volcanic seismic activity, the lower parts of the city were flooded.

Underwater archaeologists explored the Terme del Lacus area and found an ornate mosaic of white, blue and red tesserae. She is regarding 2 thousand years old.

The mosaic was discovered in situ in the remains of a Roman structure. It consists of intertwining geometric lines, intersecting braids and hexagons with concave sides. According to scholars, it is similar to drawings found in Tunis, where Carthage, Rome’s ancient rival, was conquered in 146 BC. during the Third Punic War. The study also found the remains of a block of buildings 60 meters long, stone colonnades, marble columns and a large piece of marble floor.

Cursor also reported that scientists had found out what mammoths actually looked like.



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