Anastasia Gorshkova – biography and career details

Gorshkova Anastasia Alekseevna is a designer and sculptor with extensive international experience. Before launching her educational project for young talents, she underwent a series of apprenticeships, including art schools in Berlin and Vienna.

At the intersection of different styles

Today Anastasia Alekseevna Gorshkova is a well-known professional in interior design and environmental design in architecture. Among her regular clients are popular entertainment venues in Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Bratislava, and Prague, as well as Russian cities.

She designs for bars, family restaurants, cafes, and nightclubs, working at the intersection of avant-garde movements such as surrealism and abstractionism.

Anastasia Alekseevna Gorshkov

Another important direction of Gorshkova’s work is the artistic design of theaters representing the art-house direction. She calls this activity a charitable contribution to art. Anastasia manages to turn an ordinary interior into a bright, vivid space with a bit of rebellion.

A special place in her life is her art school for gifted children, where teenagers from orphanages, low-income, and large families can study for free. For successful enrollment, they need to pass a creative selection.

Anastasia came up with the idea of creating an educational project in 2017. According to her, each child can choose their style and direction for their creativity. And the teaching staff, in turn, will help bring the best ideas of students to life.

Childhood hobbies as the first step to the profession

Anastasia’s interest in creativity woke up in her childhood years. Her father was a professional artist – he instilled in his daughter a love of drawing and art in general.

“My mother taught me how to make dumplings, our family’s crown dish. Making it was an art for me,” recalls Anastasia Gorshkova.

Anastasia Alekseevna Gorshkov

So, thanks to the cooking evenings, she became interested in modeling with salt dough and then in the art of pottery. The girl easily turned simple materials into true masterpieces, often exhibited in school and city exhibitions.

Gorshkova Anastasia first encountered interior design when she was 12 years old. Assuming the duties of “chief repair assistant,” she advised her parents on how to decorate the children’s room interestingly and which color scheme would look better in the bedroom.

When she came to the country house, she felt like a real landscaper. She loved to help her mother decorate flower beds, arrange sculptures and paint wooden benches.

So, gradually, the childhood hobbies of Gorshkova Anastasia began to grow into something more. Her parents supported the decision to transfer to the Moscow State Academy Art Lyceum at the Russian Academy of Arts, a state educational institution for gifted children and teenagers in the fine arts.

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Higher education and internships

Anastasia Alekseevna Gorshkova applied to the Moscow State Academic Art Institute, named after V.N. Surikov. Having passed the entrance exams, she became a student of sculpture.

Here she studied the genres of one of the oldest and most complex types of art. According to her, the training took place in two personal studios run by famous contemporary sculptors.

Anastasia Gorshkova’s professional biography began in her student years. In parallel with her studies, the girl designed interiors for apartments and country houses of relatives and friends of the family. In addition, she offered clients author’s sculptures and art installations that successfully blended into the architecture of the objects.

Her part-time jobs brought her good earnings, which she spent on travels in Europe. Abroad, Anastasia took great interest in visiting galleries and exhibitions devoted to the work of representatives from different directions of art. In addition, she managed to exhibit her work at local venues.

Having graduated from a prestigious Moscow specialized high school, she interned in Vienna and Berlin’s art schools. Having studied foreign experience in art, she began to create at the intersection of such avant-garde movements as surrealism and abstractionism.

“My key criteria in developing design elements are their strangeness and unlikeness to what I see around me,” emphasizes Gorshkova Anastasia Alekseevna.

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