Anas Saleem showed such a scene of Pakistan, the impression of which reached India

Anas Saleem showed such a scene of Pakistan, the impression of which reached India

A freelance writer from Lahore won the first award in the category of ‘Citizen Media and Journalism’ at the Media for Empowerment 2019 Awards held in India.

In his Instagram project ‘Everyday Pakistan’, Anas Saleem tried to break stereotypes about Pakistan through photographs. The said project made it to Media for Empowerment 2019 held in New Delhi. Anas Saleem started a project called Everyday Pakistan on Instagram in February 2018

The competition was organized by New Delhi-based organization Digital Empowerment Foundation and Facebook. Social Media Empowerment aims to recognize the motivation and potential of change-makers through the power of social media, the website said.

It was reported that Anas Salim missed the event held in New Delhi, but one of his friends received the award in his place in New Delhi. Anas Salim shared the photo of the award on Instagram and said that the Everyday Pakistan project won the first position among 180 entries received from all over the world.

He thanked those who contributed images to the project and said that you are the lifeblood of the project. Anas Salim also thanked the jury and team of the award.

On the other hand, according to the Indian website Caused, Anas Salim started the ‘Everyday Pakistan’ project inspired by India’s Instagram project ‘Everyday Mumbai’ in which pictures of different cities and people of Pakistan were shared.

#Anas #Saleem #showed #scene #Pakistan #impression #reached #India
2024-08-28 08:49:12



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