“Analyzing Workplace Wellness Plans: The Importance of Measuring KPIs for Mental Health Care in Spanish Companies”

2023-04-28 07:07:04

It is indisputable that mental health has gone from being a taboo subject in society to being among the biggest concerns of the Spanish. Aware of this, companies have been implementing wellness plans that focus on mental health care for their staff.

However, most of them have remained there and do not even have KPIs to measure and analyze the results of these policies. This prevents them from having information about its effectiveness, as well as correcting or improving so that its impact on people is real.

According to the “II Adecco Outsourcing Barometer on productivity and efficiency” not even half of the companies analyze KPIs related to health of your templates. In fact, only 48.75% do so. Furthermore, this percentage has decreased compared to the year passed by 2.73 percentage points.

Another important fact that has to do with the improvement and health care of workers is making good communication of these plans, as well as promoting healthy lifestyle habits. It is of little use to have prevention tools if employees do not know they exist.

In this sense, of the companies that make measurements on the health of their workforce, 81.8% say they carry out health promotion campaigns. However, there is still 18.21% that, even analyzing these KPIs, does not carry out actions that promote healthy lifestyle habits.

What type of companies put more focus on health?

As is often the case in other fields, It is the larger companies that carry out more actions to prevent and improve the health of its employees. In other words, as the size of the organization increases, health promotion campaigns are carried out in a greater proportion than smaller companies.

According to the respondents themselves, It is the organizations that operate in the food, distribution, IT, audiovisual and transport sectors that carry out the greatest monitoring of health of the templates. Or at least it is the perception that their workers have. In this sense, they are the high profiles (middle managers, managers and directors) younger (less than 34 years) who believe that their company cares more about health than the rest.

Ergonomics, key to health care in the industry

Putting the focus on the industry, ergonomics is one of the pillars for the health care of workers. Focusing on concrete actions, 6 out of 10 respondents state that their company has implemented improvements in ergonomics in production processes. However, this percentage decreases with respect to the previous year by 6.37 percentage points.

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When ergonomic improvements are put in place, higher performance and higher productivity are achieved.

66.5% of those surveyed think that their company’s productivity has increased by more than 6% thanks to improved ergonomics.

It should be noted that only 4.8% of the organizations that have implemented improvements in ergonomics indicate that their productivity has not improved at all.

are the companies of more than 250 employees and those belonging to the sectors of food, industrial, IT and audiovisual and transportto a greater extent than the rest, who improvements have been made in ergonomics in production processes.

The work environment impacts mental health, but most companies do not carry out studies on it

The work climate is the environment in which work is carried out, and includes everything from the way in which employees relate to their satisfaction.

This work environment has a decisive impact on the productivity of the company and can affect mental health.

So, 44.5% of managers, managers and middle managers consulted affirm that their companies carry out work environment studies, compared to 55.5% who indicated the opposite. The percentage with respect to 2022 in this variable is maintained.

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