Analysts predict iPhone 14 front camera will finally add autofocus

Eric Chan / Engadget

There are already many related iPhone 14 Among the rumors, the most striking thing is that the TrueDepth original depth sensing lens will be presented on the screen with an “exclamation mark”-style punch-hole screen design, rather than a whole piece of bangs today.According to analyst Ming-Chi KuostatementApple will also upgrade the selfie camera used in it, including adding autofocus, changing to a 6P lens design, and a larger f/1.9 aperture.

The last major upgrade to the iPhone’s front-facing camera came in iPhone 11 When it was replaced with a 12MP f/2.2 aperture specification, it has been used for 3 generations. The addition of the autofocus function mentioned in the news is expected to improve the selfie and video conferencing performance of the iPhone 14 series. According to Ming-Chi Kuo, the main supplier of the iPhone 14 front camera is Genius Yujingguang, and part of it will come from Cowell Gaowei Electronics. There are also some claims that the iPhone 14 will add a higher-pixel main camera, but there is no news about the main camera part this time.

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