Analysis of publications and patents on cancer in the world and in France (2000-2020): an INCa/OST-Hcéres partnership

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Target audiences: Research professionals

Topics: National Cancer Institute | Research | Ten-year strategy to combat cancer

In 2017, the National Cancer Institute (INCa) initiated a collaboration with the Observatory of Science and Technology (OST) of the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) to assess the position of French cancer research publications and patents on the international stage. This study revealed that, despite significant global competition, France remains a key contributor to cancer research. The substantial share of international co-publications from France further demonstrated the openness and appeal of French research in this area.

The Institute sought to update this data every five years. The new study, covering the period from 2000 to 2020, was conducted in partnership with OST-Hcéres. It engaged a group of experts to explore various subsets of cancer research, distinguishing between basic and clinical research and carrying out more detailed analyses by sub-domain. For France, this allows for a comparison of the evolution of specific indicators with the various cancer plans and their strategic priorities, resulting in more precise analyses compared to the previous study.

Updating the indicators related to publications and patents during a more recent period confirms or refines the developments observed in different countries. It indicates that France continues to be significantly involved in cancer research, both globally and within Europe. The study confirms the notable advancements made by China and the substantial impact of American publications in the cancer field. Regarding innovations, it shows that after a period of relative stability, the number of patent families filed internationally has been on the rise since 2013, primarily due to the substantial increase in filings from China and South Korea, while France’s activity has remained relatively stable, and the United States continues to maintain its leading position.

France’s standing among the leading countries in oncology reinforces the French policy to combat cancer, with the three Cancer plans undoubtedly contributing to this influence. Evaluating the research projects supported is a significant challenge for the Institute. This collaboration with OST has enhanced the methodology and will provide more structured data for conducting such studies in the future.

Hcéres, in turn, appreciates this collaboration as it enables the organization to contribute to the fight against cancer in a domain critical to public health by informing decision-makers about the status of French research within the global context, whether in fundamental research, clinical studies, or inventions that pave the way for the economic exploitation of research results.

Various findings from the study are detailed in three publications released in June-July 2024:

Learn more about evaluating investments in cancer research

The Role of National Cancer Institute (INCa) in Advancing Cancer Research in France

Technology (OST) to evaluate the status and impact of cancer research in France from 2000 to 2020. Discover key findings, implications, and future strategies for combating cancer.">

Overview of INCa’s Collaborative Efforts

In 2017, a significant collaboration was launched between the National Cancer Institute (INCa) and the Observatory of Science and Technology (OST) of the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres). The primary objective was to assess the position of French cancer research in the global arena by analyzing publications and patents. This initiative underscores France’s vital role as a contributor to cancer research, particularly during a time of intense international competition.

Cancer Research Landscape in France

The study revealed that France maintains a robust presence in cancer research, characterized by a high proportion of international co-publications. This finding is indicative of the openness and attractiveness of French research institutions, which are pivotal in advancing cancer treatment and prevention methods.

Five-Yearly Data Updates

Recognizing the need for updated statistics, the INCa initiated a comprehensive review of data covering the years 2000 to 2020. Conducted alongside OST-Hcéres, this update involved a panel of experts and aimed to explore various facets of cancer research more deeply. The focus included a clear differentiation between basic and clinical research while allowing for granular comparisons within sub-domains of study.

Key Findings from the 2000-2020 Study

The findings from the updated study provided substantial insights, confirming trends previously identified, while also introducing new data that clarified France’s standing on the global stage:

  • Global Research Contribution: France continues to rank among the top contributors to cancer research both globally and within Europe.
  • Comparative Analysis: The research allows for comparisons against national cancer plans and strategic priorities, offering clarity on funding and resource allocation.
  • International Dynamics: While France remains influential, both China and the United States have shown remarkable advancements in their cancer research outputs.

Impact of American and Asian Research

While France’s contributions are noteworthy, the study highlighted significant progress from China, particularly in the realm of publication volume and patent filings, positioning it as a formidable player in cancer research. The United States remains the dominant force, reflecting high-impact publications that set the standard for innovation and discovery in oncology.

Patent Trends in Cancer Research

Year France Patent Filings United States Patent Filings China Patent Filings
2013 Stable High Emerging
2019 Constant High Increasing
2020 Stable High Significantly Increasing

The data indicates that while France’s activity in patent filings has remained relatively stable, other countries like China and South Korea are witnessing remarkable increases post-2013, reflecting a shift in global innovation dynamics.

Evaluation of Cancer Research Investments

The enhanced evaluation of supported research projects by the INCa is crucial for validating the efficacy of funding and strategic initiatives derived from the three French Cancer plans. By integrating systematic methodologies in their assessments, INCa aims to provide consolidated data supporting the fight against cancer.

Importance of Structured Data for Decision-Making

The collaboration with Hcéres fosters a deeper understanding of the landscape of French cancer research. This is vital for informing governmental and institutional decision-makers about the positioning and impact of national research efforts, including:

  • Identifying gaps in research funding
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of current cancer plans
  • Shaping future research directions based on data-driven insights

Publications and Resources from the Recent Study

Key Outputs

In June and July of 2024, the results of the updated study were culminated into three publications, offering an in-depth analysis that is vital for stakeholders involved in cancer research:

Final Thoughts on Future Directions

The evaluation of cancer research in France, facilitated by the INCa and OST, highlights the ongoing commitment to combating cancer through innovation, collaboration, and strategic investments. Continuous engagement with global research trends and a focus on data-driven analysis will be instrumental in maintaining France’s influential status in the field of cancer research.

This structured reflection on the advancements and challenges faced will not only guide future research priorities but also align them with the pressing need for effective cancer treatment and prevention strategies, benefiting patients nationwide.



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