It’s been over a year since Ana Soriathe current couple Henry Ponce, will take the drastic decision to delete his Instagram profile following their affair came to light. Nevertheless, now he has returned to public life with a photograph that demonstrates his intentions: to continue enjoying love next to the bullfighter. The young woman from Almería has resumed her virtual activity on her Instagram profile with two images of how she is enjoying a new summer next to Enrique Ponce. In the first of them she appears alone in a unique enclave, while in the second she does so hugging Ponce and giving each other looks of love and affection. Ana Soria has recovered her Instagram profile just as she left it before deleting her username. He continues to accumulate more than 125,000 followers. Yes indeed, there is no trace of the images he had previously shared. However, it is great news that the young woman has decided to resume her virtual life as normal, leaving behind any controversy in which she has been involved. And it is that when her relationship came to light, many went to her social profile to reproach her for her relationship with the bullfighter. However, two years following her romance with Enrique Ponce, the couple returns to the 2.0 universe as normal.