In his first discussion, representative Jesús Faria asserted that this bill “is an absolutely essential instrument for the development of the country.”
In addition, the plenary will authorize the designation of the citizen Mary Eglys Flores as ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Portuguese Republic.
Likewise, the Special Bill on Annual Indebtedness for the 2023 Economic-Financial Year will be debated in the second discussion.
In the same way, the report of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finance and National Development will be considered to send the project of Budget of Income and Operating Expenses of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), corresponding to the Fiscal Year 2023.
Finally, the authorization to the National Executive will be considered to decree an Additional Credit to the budget of Expenditures of the Entities Ordering Commitments and Payments of the National Public Administration, for the amount of 43 thousand 533 million 818 thousand 98 bolivars, with 16 cents.
This Thursday’s session will take place in the Protocol Chamber of the Federal Legislative Palace, Caracas.