An upcoming summit between the leaders of Turkey, Sweden, Finland and NATO in Madrid

There is no change in the Turkish position on the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO (Getty)

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin revealed that a four-way summit will be held next Tuesday in the Spanish capital, Madrid Turkey Sweden, Finland andNATO (NATO).

Kalin explained, in an interview with a local channel, that Turkey held two meetings with officials from Sweden Finland regarding its accession to NATO.

He added that Turkish Assistant Foreign Minister Sedat Unal will travel on Monday to the Belgian capital, Brussels, to hold the third round of these meetings.

He stressed that Turkey will not back down from its reservations about the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO, indicating that the expected four-way summit in Madrid will be at the level of leaders.


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He pointed out that Turkey expects Sweden and Finland to take a clear and unequivocal stance against the “PKK” and its affiliated organizations.

On May 18, Sweden and Finland formally applied to join NATO, after the Russian war against Ukraine accelerated the decision to go along this path.

On the other hand, Turkey has reservations about the two countries joining the alliance, and stresses that its approval of their joining NATO depends on the extent to which they take into account its security concerns.


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