An unprecedented step: Ben Gabir’s campaign against the head of the Shin Bet is taking a step forward

An unprecedented step: Ben Gabir’s campaign against the head of the Shin Bet is taking a step forward

The campaign of the Minister of National Security and chairman of Otzma Yehudit Itamar Ben Gabir against the head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar A phase is emerging, when his party today distributes ads against Bar because of his support for the apparent kidnapping deal. The caption of the ad reads: “Ronen Bar failed on 7.10 and is leading Israel to another disaster. They say no to a promiscuous deal.”

This is an unprecedented event in which a party, headed by a senior minister and a member of the political-security cabinet, directly attacks the head of an organization in the Israeli security system. However, not everyone in the Otzma Yehudit party is satisfied with the media line that directly attacks the head of the Shin Bet, and claim that despite his failure and the need for him to finish his job, this is not the way to manage the demand for his dismissal.

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Itamar Ben Gabir (Photo: REUTERS/Nir Elias)

At the same time, a series of former senior officials in the security establishment sent a letter of support to the head of the Shin Bet. We fully sympathize with your clear words regarding the daily damage to the security of the state and its morality arising from the actions of the extreme right in Judea and Samaria and the government backing given to them by central ministers who are promoted to act in the public interest. “Emptying the police of their ability to function in light of state values ​​and the human damage to their functioning are a direct result of the campaign of incitement and intimidation by Minister Ben Gabir, who is in charge of it, and blatant appointments,” we claimed.

As a reminder, last Thursday News 12 published that Bar sent a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu in which he condemned the ascent to the Temple Mount and warned against “Jewish terrorism”: “They are seeking to bring the system to a loss of control, which will not be able to be controlled on the ground. The answer to this phenomenon is not the Shin Bet “.

The head of the Shin Bet wrote after Tisha B’Av and National Security Minister Ben Gabir’s ascension to the Temple Mount that he was worried about “Jewish terrorism”. He indicated that he was worried about nationalist crime and sent the letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant, as well as to Justice Minister Yariv Levin , Minister of Education Yoav Kish, Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of the Interior Moshe Arbel, Minister of Religious Services Michael Malchiali and Legal Advisor to the Government Gali Bahar-Miara. According to the report, the letter was not sent to Itamar Ben Gvir.

Head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)

Regarding the Temple Mount, Bar wrote: “The shows we saw on the Temple Mount (Ben Gabir’s ascent to the Temple Mount) are a tangible expression of this. Progress in this direction will lead to a great deal of bloodshed and will change the face of the State of Israel beyond recognition. I believe that an unequivocal statement is required from end to end that this is an activity Inappropriate and dangerous – an inter-ministerial effort is required to eradicate the phenomenon. It should be one of the main goals of the government. This phenomenon poses a significant risk to the region’s security.”

Itamar Ben Gabir on the Temple Mount (Photo: None)

As expected, the opposition rushed to attack Ben Gabir for the ads against the Shin Bet chief, and Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid wrote: “Only an unstable muck like Ben Gabir is capable in the middle of a war, while the residents of the north are in shelters and soldiers are being killed, to publish a paid ad against the Shin Bet chief , a true patriot and warrior like Ben Gavir never was and never will be.”

The chairman of the Democrats, Yair Golan, said that “at a time when the north is under fire and the air force is completing a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah targets, the minister for national humiliation and his irresponsible partners are attacking the head of the Shin Bet, there is no party that causes so much damage to Israel’s security as Otzma Yehudit and we will always remember who put them to the government.”



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