An Unexpected Turn of Events at Skagen Bryghus

But it conflicts quite quickly with the logistics if you want to be able to drive home – and perhaps also want to be fresh the next day.

There is a solution to this, which more and more people are seeing:

You can drink alcohol-free beer, and it is a product that has strong tailwinds on the Danish market.

The Brewery Association is experiencing this.

– We can see that consumers are increasingly demanding beer without alcohol. It is becoming more common when you have guests visiting and want to be a good host, that you then make sure to offer your guests a tasty alternative to alcoholic beverages, says Louis Honoré, head of communications at the Brewery Association.

– Alcohol-free beer allows people to be included in the communities that can be in enjoying a beer.

The brewery association also has figures that tell something about the development:

The member associations’ sales of alcohol-free beer in 2023 were just over eight million litres, while in 2013 it was only two million litres.

Archive photo: Kim Dahl Hansen

And the trend has continued this year, with sales from January to July ringing in at 5.2 million. liters against 4.8 million liters the year before, corresponding to an increase of approximately 8 per cent.

Louis Honoré estimates that the members of the Brewery Association now have between 70 and 75 different types of non-alcoholic beer on the menu.

Sold out surprisingly quickly

One of those who have upgraded on the alcohol-free front is Skagen Bryghus, which almost a year ago released two new alcohol-free beers.

It was the first time that Skagen Bryghus threw themselves into it, and they are also experiencing increasing demand.

– We launched two alcohol-free beers at the end of 2023 and thought we had at least one year left. But already this summer we had to brew more of it, says Søren Folden, sales manager at Skagen Bryghus.

The great interest came as a surprise.

Søren Folden says that customers often choose non-alcoholic beers because they have to drive.

– We are a lunch restaurant where the customers have lunch and have to go on and maybe go out to eat in the evening. Then they might not want a full beer for lunch, he says.

That’s why people choose alcohol-free

Louis Honoré believes that there are several reasons why people choose alcohol-free beer.

– It has simply started to taste better. I don’t think I’m offending anyone by saying that when you had a non-alcoholic beer 10-15 years ago, it wasn’t much of a pleasure. Brewers have become better at brewing alcohol-free beer that people want to drink, he believes.

In the past, non-alcoholic beer may well have had a reputation for tasting bad, but the Brewers’ Association has studies that show that people who have tasted non-alcoholic beer think it tastes really good.

– As time goes by and more and more people get to taste it, that myth will be buried, predicts Louis Honoré.

Another reason concerns health, where some people want to hold back a little with alcohol.

And then there is the practicality of being able to drive a car.

– Years ago, some people thought that you could list home along the small roads in a state of alcohol, this is rare today. Here, non-alcoholic beer is helping on the way, so that you can now drive home without problems, says Louis Honoré.

It’s for everyone

He points out that previously non-alcoholic beer was often associated with dry alcoholics or very religious people, but today it is for all sorts of different people.

And it can send a signal:

– In some circles, it’s hip to be seen with an alcohol-free beer, as it shows that you want quality, but just didn’t feel like alcohol that day.

At Skagen Bryghus, too, they experience that alcohol-free beer has taken on a different position today.

Skagen Bryghus has experienced increasing demand for alcohol-free beer. This is also how it looked in general in the country, says the Bryggeriforeningen. Archive photo: Peter Broen

– In the past, people almost sneaked up to the bar and ordered a non-alcoholic beer. Today it has become more legal. I think it’s because there has been so much focus on it, and beer just goes with a good piece of bread, he says.

Skagen Bryghus already has the next alcohol-free beer in the making – it’s an alcohol-free Christmas beer that will arrive later this year.

2024-09-14 17:42:14
#Skagen #Bryghus #surprise

What are the benefits of choosing ‍alcohol-free beer for social gatherings​ in Denmark?

The ‌Rise ‍of Alcohol-Free Beer: A‍ Growing Trend in Denmark

As social gatherings and celebrations become an integral part ⁤of our lives,​ the⁢ demand ‍for refreshing⁣ beverages that cater to diverse preferences‍ has increased. However, the logistics of enjoying⁣ a drink while still being able‍ to drive home safely​ and feel fresh the ‌next day can be challenging. Fortunately, the solution lies in‌ the growing popularity of alcohol-free beer, which has been gaining traction in the Danish market.

A ‌Solution for the Modern⁣ Consumer

According to the Brewery Association, consumers are⁣ increasingly demanding beer without alcohol, and this trend is reflected in the sales figures. In 2023, the member associations’ sales of alcohol-free beer reached 8 million liters, a significant jump from the 2 million liters sold in 2013.⁢ This growth demonstrates the growing appeal of alcohol-free⁣ beer among Danish consumers.

Inclusivity and Community

Louis Honoré, head of communications at the Brewery Association, highlights the importance of inclusivity in social ‍gatherings. “Alcohol-free beer allows people to ‍be included in the communities that​ can be formed around ‍enjoying⁤ a beer,” he‌ notes. ⁢By⁣ offering a delicious alternative to alcoholic beverages, hosts⁢ can ensure ‌that all their guests feel​ welcome and included.

A Wide Range of Options

Today, consumers have a wide range of options ‍when‌ it comes to alcohol-free ‌beer. The Brewery Association estimates that its member associations now offer between 70 and​ 75 different types of non-alcoholic beer. This increased variety is a⁤ testament to⁣ the growing demand for these products.

Skagen Bryghus: A Success⁤ Story

One brewery that has successfully‍ tapped into this trend is Skagen Bryghus, which launched two new alcohol-free beers​ in 2023. The response​ was overwhelming, with sales exceeding expectations. “We launched two⁤ alcohol-free beers ⁢at the end of 2023 and thought we had at ‍least one ​year left. But already this summer we had to⁢ brew more of it,” ‌says Søren Folden, sales manager at Skagen Bryghus.

The Future of Beer

The growth of the ‍alcohol-free beer market​ in Denmark is ⁤a significant development, driven ‍by⁢ changing consumer preferences and​ the desire for inclusivity. As the trend continues to gain momentum, breweries and consumers alike are embracing the diversity and⁣ innovation that alcohol-free ‍beer‍ brings to ⁢the table.

Optimized keywords:

alcohol-free beer

Danish‌ market

Brewery Association

Louis Honoré

‍ Skagen Bryghus

Søren Folden



beer trends


* non-alcoholic beer



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