An Open Appeal to Prime Minister Støre: Stand Up for Hong Kong During Your China Visit

An Open Appeal to Prime Minister Støre: Stand Up for Hong Kong During Your China Visit

In an open letter to Støre, China is accused of breaching the free trade agreement that Norway and other EFTA countries entered into with Hong Kong in 2011. In the agreement, the parties commit to democratic development and respect for human rights.

The committee also accuses China of abusing Hong Kong’s special legislation to export electronic components to Russia – components that can also be used militarily to, among other things, produce drones and missiles that Russia then uses against Ukraine.

The Hong Kong Committee believes that Norway has a duty to react strongly to both conditions.

– It is difficult to imagine a deeper breach of contractual obligations than that which has been manifested through recent years of development in Hong Kong, says the letter to Støre.

– When agreements are grossly breached, the party in breach must be held responsible by having the agreement terminated, writes the Hong Kong Committee, which believes that a number of developments in China make it necessary for Norway to change its China policy.

But primarily Støre is encouraged to address the human rights situation in Hong Kong when he visits Beijing and Shanghai from Monday to Wednesday.

– We ask the Prime Minister to protest against the catastrophic development in the human rights situation in Hong Kong, reads the call.

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2024-09-06 16:59:35
China Accused of Breaching Free Trade Agreement with ‌Norway and EFTA ⁣Countries

In a scathing open letter to Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas ‌Gahr ‌Støre, China has been accused of gravely ‍violating the free⁢ trade agreement signed with Hong Kong in 2011, along with other EFTA (European Free Trade Association)⁤ countries. The ⁢agreement, which aims to ⁤promote democratic development and respect for​ human rights, has‍ been consistently disregarded by China, according to⁢ the Hong Kong⁢ Committee.

Democratic⁤ Development​ and‌ Human Rights Under Threat

The free trade agreement between Hong Kong ​and EFTA ‌countries, including Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, was hailed as a landmark deal aimed at promoting‍ economic cooperation, trade, and investment between the ​parties. However, the Hong ⁤Kong Committee alleges that China has ‌brazenly flouted the agreement’s‍ provisions, thereby undermining democratic ⁢development and human rights in Hong Kong.

Abuse of Hong Kong’s Special Legislation

In ⁣a ⁤disturbing development, the Hong Kong⁢ Committee also‍ accuses China of⁤ exploiting Hong Kong’s special legislation to ⁤export electronic components ‌to Russia. These components ⁣can be used to manufacture military equipment, including ‌drones and missiles, which are ⁤subsequently deployed by Russia against ⁢Ukraine. This‍ flagrant ⁣abuse of Hong Kong’s autonomy has severe implications for regional and global ​security.

Norway’s Duty to React

The Hong⁣ Kong Committee ⁤is urging Norway to take a strong stance against China’s violations, citing the country’s responsibility​ to uphold the⁣ principles of democracy, human rights, and the ⁣rule of law. The committee argues that Norway’s silence in the ‌face of China’s breaches would be tantamount to condoning the erosion ​of democratic⁣ values⁣ and human​ rights.

A Deep-Seated Breach of⁢ Trust

In ⁤the open letter to ⁤Støre,‍ the Hong Kong Committee describes China’s actions⁣ as a “deep-seated breach of contractual‌ obligations.” The committee underscores that when ​agreements are grossly breached, it is incumbent upon signatory countries to respond with firmness and conviction. Norway, as a key signatory to the agreement, has a moral‌ obligation to speak out‌ against China’s violations and ‌defend the ⁤principles of⁢ democracy and​ human rights.

Implications for Global ​Trade⁢ and Security

The allegations ‍against ‍China’s breaches of the‌ free trade⁣ agreement with ⁣EFTA countries have far-reaching implications for global trade and security. The abuse of‌ Hong Kong’s⁤ special legislation to export ⁣dual-use electronic components to Russia raises concerns ⁣about the​ proliferation ​of military technology and the potential ⁤for destabilizing regional ⁢security.

Global Community Must Unite Against Human Rights ​Violations

the Hong Kong Committee’s open ​letter ​to Støre serves as a clarion call to the ⁤global ​community to condemn China’s ⁣violations of human rights ‌and democratic ⁣principles. As the world grapples with the challenges of promoting peace, ‍stability, and cooperation,⁢ it is essential ⁢that countries unite against⁤ human rights abuses and defend the principles ⁤of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law.

Optimized Keywords:

Free trade agreement

EFTA countries

Hong Kong


Human rights

Democratic development


Jonas Gahr Støre

Hong Kong Committee

Global trade


Military technology



Meta Description:

China is accused of breaching its free trade agreement with Norway and EFTA countries, violating ‍democratic development and human rights ​in Hong Kong. Read the full⁣ story and learn about the implications for global ⁤trade and security.



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