An old picture of a late Lebanese actor, you won’t believe how much has changed over the years

Fun lebanese actorMahmoud MabsutNicknamed Fahman, he became famous through a groupAbu Sleem​, the television program that brought the family around the screen in the seventies of the last century.

Fahman was one of the characters who plotted intrigues for the rest of the band members. Famous with the actorSalah TizaniAmong his most important works are Abu Salim al-Tabla, Students of the Last Time, Memoirs of a Nurse with​Elsie FerniniandGeorge Shalhoub​. Radio hour and other works of a comedy nature.
In the cinema, he had a role in the movie Abu Salim in Africa, Safar Barlik with Rahbani and Zaman Ya Love.
He died on stage in 2011 of a heart attack.

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