An investigation has been opened: Itamar Weizman of “Radical” incited against MK Zvi Sukkot

An investigation has been opened: Itamar Weizman of “Radical” incited against MK Zvi Sukkot

The police opened a cross-examination this evening (Monday). Itamar Weizmanthe host of the “Radical” podcast, a left-wing activist and former advisor to then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The investigation was opened after a complaint filed against him by young people of the religious Zionist party, claiming that there was “serious incitement”, after they said that in one of the episodes of the podcast he called MK Zvi Sukkot “Judonazi”. Among other things, the complaint quotes harsh statements made by Weizmann, such as “members of the Zionist faction want to destroy Gazan children.”

In their complaint to the police, which was submitted for incitement, the young people wrote: “The purpose of Weizmann’s words is to draw blood from the members of the religious Zionist faction, and when he compares them to the worst of our enemies, the incitement may come to fruition and the thousands of listeners to the podcast may treat the members of the faction as they treated the worst of our enemies.”

Bezalel Smotrich and members of religious Zionism on a tour of the Efrat settlement in Gush Etzion, October 2022 (Photo: Gershon Allinson, Flash 90)

According to the complaint, it was also said about Sukkot that “he is a very violent person” and interviewing him is “not like interviewing a former neo-Nazi because he is a current neo-Nazi.” He also claimed that “members of the Zionist faction want to destroy Gazan children.”

The young men responded to the decision to open an investigation: “We congratulate the Israel Police for the quick decision to open an investigation into the serious incitement. We filed the complaint with the aim of cleaning up the discourse and creating a discourse of unity and we hope that a cleaner discourse will be created without incitement and division, and together we will win in Israel.”

The youth of religious Zionism stated earlier that: “We are sorry that instead of adding unity in a time of war, Weizmann chooses to divide and divide, and to deliver harsh statements against members of the Knesset. In his words, Weizmann removed the mask of liberalism and showed us all that there are people who are worth more.”

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According to them, “Since the beginning of the war, we have been working in various ways to increase unity in the State of Israel, among other things within the framework of a unity project that we initiated in which Knesset members from the coalition and the opposition participated. We hope to see the same unity that we saw on the battlefield and took with us to the political field as well on the other side of the political map.’



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