An interview with the co-president of Ecolo in a school textbook: Minister Désir (PS) opens an investigation

On Twitter, the minister-president of the FWB, Pierre-Yves Jeholet (MR)scratched both the publisher and the co-president of Ecolo.

A publisher who disseminates political propaganda in textbooks has no place in schools. And having accepted this interview is at best a clumsiness, at worst a fault“, judged the Hervien.

In the Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Head of the MR group, Diane Nikolic, estimates, in a press release, that “on the part of Mrs. Maouane, the fault is doubly serious, because she gave this interview knowingly and played with fire by violating the School Pact”. The MR group demands the immediate withdrawal of this manual and that, in addition to the investigation requested by Minister Désir, “everything is immediately frozen, because these manuals cannot be distributed to students as they are”. The MR also asks “that the Minister manage the withdrawal of this manual directly with the schools which had made this choice”what “this withdrawal is at the publisher’s expense, as the schools cannot be held responsible”. The MR also wants a thorough check of all textbooks to be carried out. “If today the problem is singled out because it is political propaganda, how many other nonsense can we find in school textbooks?”se demande Diane Nikolic.

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