an interesting explanation for cosmological expansion

2024-02-26 12:00:15

The accelerated expansion of the Universe is a mystery that has intrigued scientists for decades. A new theoretical study offers an intriguing explanation for this phenomenon: what if our Universe expanded by absorbing “babies” universe (The Universe is the totality of everything that exists and the laws that govern it.) parallel?

The standard cosmological model suggests that the Universe is expanding due to the presence of a energy (In the common sense, energy refers to everything that allows us to carry out work, produce energy, etc.) black, invisible and undetected other than by this expansion. However, this hypothesis raises questions and encourages researchers to explore other avenues. A study published on December 12, 2023 in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics proposes an alternative: cosmological expansion might result from the fusion (In physics and metallurgy, fusion is the transition of a body from the solid state to the state…) of our Universe with other universes.

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According to the authors, this theory might better correspond to observations (Observation is the action of attentively following phenomena, without wanting to…) current than the standard model. They developed a mathematical model (A mathematical model is a translation of reality to be able to apply the tools to it,…) demonstrating how theabsorption (In optics, absorption refers to the process by which the energy of a photon is taken by…) other universes might increase the volume (Volume, in physical or mathematical sciences, is a quantity which measures extension…) of our Universe, interpreted as an expansion by our instruments.

This idea also offers a new perspective on cosmological inflation, the moment just following the Big Bang when the Universe experienced a meteoric expansion. The researchers suggest that this episode may have been caused by the absorption of our young Universe by a larger Universe, thus eliminating the need (The needs are at the level of the interaction between the individual and the environment. It is…) of a champ (A field corresponds to a notion of defined space:) hypothetical, inflaton, responsible for this rapid expansion.

Validation of this hypothesis will require precise observational data. The Euclid and James Webb telescopes, thanks to their ability to study the cosmic microwave background (The cosmic microwave background is the name given to electromagnetic radiation coming from…)might provide decisive answers.

The collision and absorption of baby universes represents a bold vision of cosmic evolution. This theory not only challenges traditional conceptions but also opens the door to new research to understand the expansion of our Universe. Only future observations will be able to confirm or refute this fascinating proposition.

#interesting #explanation #cosmological #expansion



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