An infant and a 10-year-old child in the Intensive Care Unit with salmonella

The event was revealed to Radio Crete by the Public Health Supervisor of the Region of Crete, Antonis Papadakis, who stated that the first case concerns an infant of just 5 months and the other a 10-year-old child.

More specifically, according to him, the case of the 5-month-old infant shows that it is very likely that the germ was transmitted to the infant by a wrong move by the parents who may have touched raw meat or some other raw food with their bare hands and then baby items.

According to him, salmonella disease is more serious than norovirus disease and for this reason it was deemed necessary to hospitalize the children in the Intensive Care Unit.

As the hygienist explained, the symptoms of salmonellosis are gastroenteritis, vomiting, diarrhea and inability to feed. The public health supervisor drew attention to parents about the salmonella microbe by pointing out that movements inside the house especially when we have small children should be very careful.

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#infant #10yearold #child #Intensive #Care #Unit #salmonella



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