An impressive reason why Ronaldo does not want to get a tattoo – Natura Hoy

An impressive reason why Ronaldo does not want to get a tattoo – Natura Hoy

VIVA – Unlike other footballers, Cristiano Ronaldo refuses to get tattoos and the good reason has been revealed.

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In modern football, tattoos and footballers have never been inseparable, with many of the best players to have done so often seen sporting their colours.

Players like Lionel Messi, David Beckham, Neymar Jr and Zlatan Ibrahimovic have no qualms about showing off their tattoos, but one player who refuses to have one is Cristiano Ronaldo.

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That’s because the 39-year-old has a solid yet impressive reason why he never gets a tattoo.

In 2012, the Portuguese footballer revealed to Italian news site Diretta that he would never get a tattoo in order to “give blood more often.”

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According to the NHS, after getting a tattoo or skin piercing, blood donors should wait at least four months before donating again.

Ronaldo therefore refrains from getting tattoos or body piercings, having been a regular blood and bone marrow donor since 2011, when his international teammate Carlos Martins revealed that his son had leukaemia and needed regular treatment for blood and bone marrow.

Speaking to Spanish radio station Cadena Cope via The Sun in 2013, Ronaldo said: “He told us about his son’s problems and we, the players, showed great solidarity to help him and his son because we knew it was something very complicated.

“[Mendonorkan sumsum tulang] It is a task that many people find difficult, but it is just drawing blood and it does not hurt.

“I did it years ago and if I had to do it again I would do it because it is a very serious illness for children and we need to help them.”

The Portugal captain has since been the star of a campaign to encourage others to donate, organised by the Abbott charity.

He said about this campaign: “We can all make a difference by donating blood.”

“Each donation can benefit three people in emergency and long-term medical care.

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Speaking to Spanish radio station Cadena Cope via The Sun in 2013, Ronaldo said: “He told us about his son’s problems and we, the players, showed great solidarity to help him and his son because we knew it was something very complicated.



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