An immigration attorney explains how to apply for an H-2B visa and how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud | Videos | Univision 34 Atlanta WUVG

documented to those of 1000 casesin stewart since he started thepandemic. several detainees havedead in the center.we continue to review the topicsimmigration, the government ofbiden has approved 20,000 visaswork to alleviatelabor shortage. Andesquiñones spoke with an expertfor him to explain to us.andes: support theUS employers whohave damage due to lack ofwork, is the purpose ofthere is an increase in visas,we have seen the same halfof the year beginning in Aprilwhere the demand is more.andés: however, you have tobe very careful as thiseven human trafficking.there is a lot of fraud, it should notpay no one to do it, notransportation, must be paidby the employer. have a lotbe careful and check that thosejobs they are offeringthey are real. I investigated forinternet of which this companywas approved to request theabused, they have to pay you, andif you don’t get paid, you can go andcomplain to the government. It is nota slave visa, isjob.andés: there is another problem, theweather.this is crazy about thisvisa, the employer has torequest it four months before,you must order it in June or April,and you have to do it in January, andhence if they are selected inthe draw that exists for thevisa, from there they can start theprocess that there are no peoplequalified in the united statesto do the job, and therethe department of labor, andsend immigrants toconsulate to enterwant to find someone forthat arrives in March, it should alreadybe carrying out the process,the opposite must wait

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