An image expert explains why Sofía Suescun could win ‘Supervivientes All Stars’ after her images with Bosco

An image expert explains why Sofía Suescun could win ‘Supervivientes All Stars’ after her images with Bosco

Since we met her on ‘Big Brother 16’ and then she won ‘Survivors 2018’, Sofía Suescun has become one of the most followed faces on television. This success on the small screen helped her build a successful career as an influencer and now she has a real legion of fans. The image of Sofía Suescun, always linked to that of her mother Mayte Galdeano, you either love it or hate it, what is clear is that it leaves no one indifferent.

After being banned from Telecinco for a few years, she has returned in style as a contestant on ‘Supervivientes All Stars’ and is sweeping Honduras. Her latest bombshell has been some pictures with her fellow contestant Bosco Martínez Bordiú that have generated all kinds of opinions, apparently compromising. Her boyfriend, Kiko Jiménez, in fact, has already exploded.

We have analysed Sofía Suescun’s image with an expert in personal branding and image and she has revealed to us the reasons why she is so popular. Mentor Ana Jiménez has started by telling us: “Entering the ‘Big Brother’ house at just 18 years old opened the door to television and contests. Before becoming a public figure, Sofía Suescun’s profile already had a lot to say. Her self-confidence, way of communicating and developing in front of the camera, was giving us clues as to what she would be like in a few years.”

“The ingredients that have made her go down in history as a contestant and winner of reality shows have been: a winning mentality, control and power over her personality. She knows how to handle situations and manages not to be overwhelmed by them. In addition, her mother’s personality has also made them a very striking duo. Mayte Galdeano had a very authentic energy,” she tells us.

Ana Jiménez analyzes Sofía Suescun’s role as a survivor: “Another contest in which she was proclaimed winner was ‘Supervivientes 2018’. It is a reality that Sofía has the right characteristics to be a star in any contest and her participation in this new edition was mandatory. I think that there are no 2 without three, and It might be that she is declared the winner once more“.

“In the discussion or conversation she had with Marta Peñate, I saw her much more groundbreaking and without backing down from her speech. She is a person who reflects herself as faithful to her speeches. She is 28 years old and has already been proclaimed the winner of two reality shows, that is no coincidence. For example, in ‘Puente de la concordia’, we have seen how she has not overlooked “the betrayals” and she has not cared regarding putting an end to it with a fellow contestant, who many believed would form a tandem. She has become a leader, wins tests and has already given a lot to talk regarding. Sofia has the power of survival internally,” says Ana Jiménez.

The image expert adds: “Sofia has also shown that she has responsibility for her community (in this case, family) because even though they are miles apart, she thinks a lot regarding them. To highlight one phrase, she said something like she was the one who kept order among them. Another trait of a leader.”


On the other hand, Sofía Suescun has 1.4 million followers on social media, she is quite an influencer and her visibility on social media is notable. This fact also makes her feel the support of her community in other formats. “It is a fact that she is an authority in the world of reality shows and that her presence in this new edition is going to cause a lot of noise. An authority in reality shows must be: constant, responsible, have a faithful discourse and stand out from the rest, that is, be a leader.”

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