An Illinois couple made a shocking discovery while renovating their home. In the cavity of a wall they came across the remains of a Happy Meal from Mc Donald’s from 1959. This is reported by the “Enterpress News Agency”.
Grace and Rob Jones bought the 63-year-old home in the small town of Crystal Lake before the pandemic and have since renovated it room by room.
When tearing out the bathroom wall, they made the bizarre discovery on April 16th. The original mascot Speedee, replaced by Ronald McDonald in 1969, featured on the hamburger packaging.
French fries still recognizable
What really shocked Rob Jones – and above all disgusted it: following all these decades, the fries were still recognizable as such. He told the Today Show: “Apparently someone accidentally left their lunch in the wall. I found it even more unappetizing that the French fries weren’t completely rotten following all this time!”
Grace Jones’ mother told her that the Happy Meal must be at least 50 years old. She remembers eating 19 cent cheeseburgers with the Speedee logo as a kid. (dzc)