An event that will surprise even the surprised

An event that will surprise even the surprised

A woman from Kazakhstan surprised doctors by giving birth to twins 11 weeks (77 days) apart.

When 29-year-old Leli Konovalova got pregnant, she didn’t expect to have to go to the hospital twice to give birth. The first time was in May when a daughter was born to them at 25 weeks of pregnancy and the second time was in August when a son was born.

Because the daughter was born so early, she weighed just over a pound and was kept in the ICU for several months. Talking to the media, the woman said, ‘It seems that my son was not in a hurry to come into the world’.

“What the doctors did was charisma, they proved themselves as true professionals,” he said. In simple terms, there is 11 weeks difference between twins and twins are not separated by that much but this is not the first time, in fact the world record for this was set in 2012 when the babies were born 87 days apart.

In fact, the twins born in Kazakhstan do not have separate dates of birth, but the fact that they lived in 2 different wombs during the woman’s pregnancy. The probability of such a pregnancy is one in 50 million, i.e. negligible.

But it is almost impossible for twins to be born on separate dates and 11 weeks apart, or when one baby is born too early. However, both Laili and her twins are healthy and are now ready to go home from the hospital with their son.

In March this year, a similar incident was reported in Bangladesh where 20-year-old Arifa Sultan gave birth to twins 26 days after giving birth to a premature baby. Gynecologist Sheila Poder said that ‘they did not know that the woman was pregnant with two children at the time of the premature birth’.

He said that after 26 days Aafa Sultan was again brought to the hospital where she gave birth to healthy twins. Dr. Dilip Roy, chief of the government hospital, said, “I have never seen in my 30-year medical history that a woman gave birth to a child and gave birth to a son and a daughter just 26 days later.”

#event #surprise #surprised
2024-08-24 09:57:07



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