An Egyptian celebrity competes with Sama Al-Masry and an auctioneer for her underwear – Watch and Naqi

Arts – Yasmine Al-Tohamy – The media, May Al-Kharsiti, raised the controversy once again, after circulating a new video of her on her official YouTube page yesterday, Saturday, and she is auctioning pieces of her underwear shamelessly and without the slightest shame.

After raising many questions and question marks after she published a video that was and still is the talk of all the pioneers of social networking sites, it was necessary to shed light on the biography of the journalist Mai Kharsiti, whose origins go back to Gharbia Governorate.

She lived in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Until she reached the age of nine, then she moved with her parents to the United States of America and lived in America for twenty years.

Mai Kharsiti obtained a BA in Psychology and Behavioral Analysis, in addition to obtaining a BA in Medieval History, as well as a Master’s degree in University Administration, and a Master’s degree in how to communicate information to others in order to facilitate their assimilation.

Kharsiti was working as a psychiatrist and researcher at the University of Texas, Texas, and treated the patient by directing his behavior, not through medication, and trying to implement the idea in Egypt by correcting and modifying the behavior of others, and directing this thought correctly through social networking sites.

Mai also owns a restaurant in Florida, USA.

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