An Egyptian author threatens the makers of the Ghada Abdel Razek Ramadan series

2023-11-02 12:50:33

Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek recently sparked controversy, following announcing that she would run in the next Ramadan race, with a series titled “Scorpion Hunting,” a dramatic adaptation of her colleague Nadia El Gendy’s movie “The Age of Power,” which was shown in 1991 and achieved tremendous success.

The matter did not go unnoticed by the film’s makers, especially its writer, Bashir Al-Deek, who stated that he was surprised by this news following reading it on digital platforms, expressing his extreme dissatisfaction and anger at the company producing the series, for not communicating with him regarding the idea of ​​the series inspired by the film, which he participated in. Starring Abdullah Ghaith, Mahmoud Hamida, and Youssef Fawzi, and directed by Nader Jalal.

Al-Bashir threatened the makers of the series to take the necessary legal measures once morest them if they used the idea of ​​the film in their series, without referring to it, stressing that he would not hesitate to obtain his literary and artistic rights.

In turn, the author of the series, Baher Dowidar, responded to Al-Deek’s statement, stressing that what is being said on social media regarding citing the idea of ​​the film in his series is completely untrue, stressing that the idea of ​​“hunting scorpions” is independent in itself and is not inspired by any other artistic work.

Dowidar explained that the series’ events take place within an exciting, suspenseful social context, and consists of 30 episodes, contrary to the common belief that it consists of 15 episodes.

He added that director Ahmed Hassan is still in the stage of preparations and casting the roles, as no actor has been contracted yet, and filming is scheduled to begin within the next few weeks.

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