An Egyptian artist’s statement about cinema and schools ignites communication

In the past hours, a statement by the Egyptian artist, Bushra, has circulated on social media, calling for teaching a subject on cinema to young people, which sparked the interaction of social media pioneers.

During her stay as a guest on the “Raw Interviews” program on the “YouTube” platform, the Egyptian artist called for teaching the world of cinema in the early stages of the educational system, noting that it is a “priority.”

Bushra called for a subject to teach art and cinema in the school curricula, saying: “I see that cinema completes the educational process, and cinema must be a subject taught in schools, and we build children on it early in order to create a cinematic culture.”

She added, “In countries, priorities are usually food, clothing, security, safety, health, and education, but I see that cinema completes the educational process.”

Bushra’s statements were met with a great attack from the pioneers of social networking sites, some of whom considered that the matter was not important in the first place, while others considered that the current level of Egyptian cinema is not appropriate for this step.

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