An Auchan supermarket strongly criticized after its special promotion for Mother’s Day

In Orleans, the ideal gift for Mother’s Day seems to be… a vacuum cleaner. It is in any case the product selected by the Auchan brand in the city to honor mothers. A choice far from being unanimous!

It was Mother’s Day this Sunday, May 29 in France. And the Auchan supermarket in Orléans decided to hit hard on this occasion by offering a promotion that did not go unnoticed. At the head of the gondola, from the start of the weekend, customers were able to discover a vacuum cleaner on sale. Just above, a “Happy Mother’s Day” sign…

Sunday is Mother’s Day not Cleaning Staff’s Day

Communication error or return to the 1950s, the fact remains that the store’s publicity stunt has been widely shared and commented on on the internet. “For your information, it is May 26, 2022”, might we read this Sunday on Twitter, where the promotion was considered “sexist”, “misogynist”, “cheesy” and “retrograde” by many . “Sunday is Mother’s Day, not the cleaning staff’s day,” this other netizen remarked to the brand.

For several years, associations have been mobilizing to fight once morest sexism in . On March 8, on the occasion of the International Day for Women’s Rights, the collective Ad Aggression Resistance had unveiled its Top 3 of the most misogynistic posters. In January 2021, the association made public an alarming report on the sexist excesses of advertisers, pleading for the establishment of a framework for practices.

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