An Argentine tourist died during an excursion in Isla Mujeres

2023-04-24 12:38:27

UAn Argentine tourist died, allegedly after suffering a heart attackon Isla de Mujeres, located in the Caribbean Sea, southeast of Mexico, the local police reported today on their Facebook social network account.

“The victim, about 77 years old, lost consciousness and passed outafter making an excursion in coastal waters, assisted by a guide, without being able to be revived,” the police report stated.

The tourist, identified by police as José N, 77 years old and Argentine nationality, He was doing a tourist circuit on Saturday with the boat “Obi Kue 3” together with a group of tourists, when he began to feel bad, until he lost his vital signs and died.

Your nationality It could only be confirmed this Sundayreported the Mexican authorities.

“The events occurred when He was in a sector of low water with other tourists from the boat and lost consciousnessexplained lifeguards and paramedics from the Red Cross,” added the statement from the Isla de Mujeres Police on Facebook.

The first report mentions a possible heart attack as the cause of the death of the Argentine tourist, whom they once tried to assist on the coast.

Isla Mujeres is one of the eleven municipalities of the Mexican state of Quintana Rooand is located in front of the Yucatan Peninsula, thirteen kilometers from the city of Cancun, the main tourist pole in the region.

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