An app to stop smoking… by meditating – Featured

2023-11-24 13:42:50

November 24, 2023

What can mindfulness meditation do once morest tobacco addiction? Quite a few benefits a priori… Are you curious? Why not try the “Tobacco & mindfulness” program online on the Petit BamBou application?

If you are a smoker or in the process of quitting, you surely have not missed this information: November is tobacco-free month. However, there is nothing easy regarding giving up one of the most addictive substances there is, and designed for that purpose. Or to keep you in withdrawal if you stubbed out your last cigarette several days, weeks or months ago.

To get help, there are several solutions: patches, chewing gum, physical activity, hypnosis, acupuncture, follow-up by your doctor, a psychologist. But also some techniques such as sophrology or relaxation giving the body and mind the opportunity to relax. To look directly at what is happening within us when we talk regarding addiction, when we talk regarding quitting.

Another approach: meditation that you can practice in small groups or alone at home. Do you prefer the solitary option? So download the Petit BamBou application and follow the “Tobacco & mindfulness” program which gives you access to 22 meditation sessions of 15 minutes each, to be scheduled every day, every week, every month: as you wish! The latter is accessible with the Petit BamBou subscription (€59.88 per year or €6.99 per month) which allows you to access all Petit BamBou programs.

This vocal program designed by Martine Spiesser, addictologist and psychotherapist, helps you “ particularly in the management of stress due to lack », Underline the developers of the application. A module ” designed for smokers, whether they are in the process of quitting, or simply want to become a little more familiar with their tobacco addiction ».

Exiting autopilot mode

By inviting your mind to focus on itself, it is possible to gradually move away from “ ‘autopilot’ mode », Describe the developers. Mindfulness meditation allows you to better observe yourself without judging yourself in behaviors that become reflexes when you smoke, to look at “ the emotions that trigger the urge to smoke ».

« This attitude involves moving from the role of actor to that of observer and gradually learning to tolerate different internal states rather than trying to suppress them, flee them or even react to them automatically (for example, by consuming). », extend researchers from the Swiss Medical Review. “ Scientific research presents encouraging results pointing towards a reduction in desire to consume ».

To note : you no longer smoke, but the withdrawal is still recent and you feel the need to consolidate your cessation? You can also follow the “Tobacco & Mindfulness” program. Meditation has the power to prevent the risk of relapse.

  • Source : Petit Bambou, November 2, 2023

  • Written by : Laura Bourgault – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

#app #stop #smoking #meditating #Featured



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