An alleged drug dealer is beaten to death in San Francisco de los Romo

A 40-year-old man, who was apparently involved in drug dealing, was beaten to death by several individuals, apparently from an opposing criminal group.

The victim, identified as Juan Arturo Segura, lay in agony for seven days at the Miguel Hidalgo Hospital until he finally died from the beating he received.

The State Attorney General’s Office reported that the events occurred on Tuesday, August 13, at the victim’s home, on San Gildardo Street in the Paseos de la Providencia subdivision, in the municipality of San Francisco de los Romo.

Several individuals arrived at the scene and began to physically attack the forty-year-old, insistently asking him who supplied him with the drugs for him to sell.

At a certain point, a relative of Juan Arturo arrived at the home and saw him lying on the floor with several people around him.

When they saw him, they decided to run away.

The witness saw his relative beaten and badly injured, so he called for help from the emergency services.

Apparently, Juan Arturo told his relative that his attackers were friends of his and addicts, with whom he fought over the last dose of drugs he had in his house.

Police officers and ISSEA paramedics arrived at the scene after being informed of the attack, where they confirmed that the victim had serious injuries and transferred him to Hidalgo Hospital for treatment.

As the days went by, his health condition worsened and on Tuesday the Prosecutor’s Office reported his death.

His body was transferred to the Forensic Medical Service and after the autopsy it was concluded that he died from a head injury, that is, from the strong blows he received to the head.

Ministerial agents from the Homicide Group of the Criminal Investigation Police began their investigations to try to identify and arrest those responsible for the crime.



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