An algorithm to identify Parkinson’s disease? This invention is a real medical advance

on August 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

August 28, 2022 at 6:57 PM

It is an invention that marks a real breakthrough in medical research. According to website information Nature Medicine, researchers have implemented a new artificial intelligence algorithm for early detection of Parkinson’s disease. Explanations.

The Parkinson disease affects nearly 25,000 people a year, according to the Ministry of Health. A figure to make you dizzy, yet, to date, there is no treatment to reverse or stop its progress. A sad fact that forces specialists to look into the detection of this neurodegenerative disease. They have also developed a new artificial intelligence tool for early detection Parkinson’s disease.

An invention that analyzes breathing

This new technology was set up by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in the United States, according to information from Nature Medicine.They have developed a whole new artificial intelligence tool that can detect Parkinson’s disease early thanks to breathing of a sick patient during his sleep. “Some scientific studies have shown that respiratory symptoms appear years before motor symptoms“, explained Dina Katabi, one of the initiators of the study, in a press release published onEurekAlert. Via this invention, specialists now hope to develop curative treatments, in particular thanks to clinical trials carried out soon.

A diagnosis that requires no effort on the part of the patient

Beyond the simplicity of the diagnosis, the advantage of this new invention is indeed that it requires no effort from the patient to obtain his result. The latter might, moreover, in the future, perform this detection aloneat home, without even having to to be surrounded by a doctor. A diagnosis which changes from the one already existing, which requires cerebrospinal fluid analysis and brain imaging. Cumbersome and expensive examinations which can sometimes discourage more than one person from going through these multiple stages beforedisease detection.



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