An agreement to take the STF out of the spotlight

2023-12-04 13:20:25

The last few weeks have seen strong questioning of the actions of the (STF). First, with the approval by the Senate of the PEC “shortens the toga”

The last few weeks have seen strong questioning of the actions of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). First, with the approval by the Senate of the PEC “shortens the toga”. Then, with the request for the CPI to investigate possible abuses by the Supreme Court made by deputy Marcel Van Hatten (Novo-RS).

And now, with the project by deputy Marcos Pereira (Republicanos-SP). Lighter than the PEC approved in the Senate, Marcos Pereira’s project might end up turning the corner towards taking the STF out of the spotlight. Especially because he would be part of an agreement to moderate the Court with her own participation.

The project was born from the discussion of a commission of jurists led by minister Gilmar Mendes. Your chances of approval and the analysis of the solution to questions regarding the Supreme Court are the theme of today’s JBrNews. With Rudolfo Lago.

#agreement #STF #spotlight

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