2023-11-11 09:59:31
Parity is still moving. After two months of negotiations to redefine the rules of unemployment insurance, the social partners reached an ” protocol of agreement “, Friday, November 10, late in the evening, following a final session of laborious discussions. Employer and employee organizations, which have until November 17 to approve the text, will now consult their bodies.
On the employers’ side, this will only be a formality since it is certain that Medef, the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME) and the Union of Local Enterprises (U2P) will sign. On the other hand, no grand slam among the unions: if the CFDT and the CFTC will certainly grant their imprimatur, FO will make its decision following its confederal office, Monday November 13, while the CFE-CGC and the CGT have already and already announced that they will not initial the compromise found.
The protocol should result in a new “convention” governing the conditions of compensation for job seekers from 1is January 2024. Responsible for co-managing unemployment insurance through the joint association Unédic, the social partners regain control, which they had lost to the State following the failure of the 2019 negotiations. Since then, the public authorities had taken control of the scheme and had initiated reforms, through several decrees, published between July 2019 and January 2023: extension of the contribution period to open up rights, change in the calculation of the allowance which reduces its monthly amount for those who have accumulated short contracts, degression for job seekers who received high salaries when they were active, reduction in the duration of compensation when the labor market is doing well (according to the principle called “countercyclicality”), etc.
Under close state surveillance
The draft agreement concluded on Friday evening therefore testifies to a surge in paritarianism, which nevertheless remains fragile, as the actors involved have worked so hard to put together a text – which is not unanimous among them. This renewed vitality must be put into perspective all the more as the negotiators did not have their hands free: they had to follow the “framework document” sent at the beginning of August by Matignon, which left them very little room for maneuver. This roadmap prevented them from reversing the reforms initiated by the executive, from mid-2019 until the beginning of this year. It also required Unédic to contribute 11 to 12 billion euros (from 2023 to 2026) to finance public policies in favor of employment and professional training.
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