A teenager and his mother who were magnet fishing caught a rifle in Green Creek near the Ottawa River, the Ottawa Police Service said Thursday.
Alerted by the two magnet fishermen, a team from the Ottawa Police Service was able to retrieve the gun from the water.
Magnet fishermen and the police dive team
On May 13, 12-year-old Nathan Sirois was magnet fishing with his mother, Melanie, when his line caught something unexpected.https://t.co/2CZz8egvg6 pic.twitter.com/oDOmvsgr19
– Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) May 19, 2022
“Someone had thrown her in the water so she wouldn’t be found; it may therefore be evidence of a crime,” said officer Caroline Gallant.
The weapon will be appraised and tested to try to determine if it is linked to criminal acts, according to the Ottawa police.
The practice of magnet fishing involves clearing the shoreline of metal debris that is often not very visible, for environmental, safety and recovery purposes.